Mitch McConnell: Kavanaugh Will be Confirmed in September

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, in an interview last week with Hugh Hewitt, was confident that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh would be confirmed. “He’ll be on board at the Supreme Court by the first Monday in October, which you and I both know is the beginning of the October term.”

Progressives: you have NO right to be left alone – ever. EVAH!

NH State Senator Kathy Sgambati (D-Tilton): “Everybody in the chamber respects personal freedoms and individual rights…[BUT] We’re also trying to ensure that all citizens in the state have the protection they need. It’s unclear to me how you can possibly have all the benefits of coverage without everyone being under the tent. You will participate … Read more

Firearms and the Media… Red Faced Again

With the soot of exploding cigars still powdery on the reddening faces of gun control pouncers like good ol’ Piers the-living-skidmark Morgan, Dianne torch-the-constitution-it-hurts-my-head Feinstein, and a myriad of others in the media that prematurely wet themselves in anticipation of yet another anti-gun debate trundling its way into public with fresh evidence of an “assault … Read more

Senator C. C. “El Hombre” Shreds the Pols

As someone who is currently entangled in and fighting the tentacles of Leviathan over various firearm issues and is constantly wiping the red ink from my brow it heartens me that there’s a no-holds bar a$$ kicking consitutionalist in the Senate and he’s throwin’ down, taking names, and outing meaty pieces of Leviathans corpus. Watch … Read more