Democrats Keep Blocking Trump’s Openly Gay Minority Judicial Nominee

I’d love to take the Temperature of New Hampshire Democrats on this one. Donald Trump had nominated Patrick Bumatay to the Ninth Circuit Court. Democrats blocked the gay Filipino’s appointment. He’s been nominated again.

Trump initially nominated Bumatay for a seat on the Ninth Circuit last year, but was thwarted by objections from the nominee’s home state senators. Both Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Harris recommended other judicial picks for the Ninth Circuit, but Trump ended up ignoring them and choosing his own, including Bumatay.

After Democrat delays, Trump pulled the nomination back, but there is another opening in the 9th and guess who’s on the list to fill that spot?

In an unexpected role reversal, President Trump is trying — for a second time — to confirm a gay U.S. prosecutor to a federal appeals court despite objections from Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) over his qualifications for a lifetime judicial appointment.

The White House included on Friday Patrick Bumatay, a gay Filipino who serves as a U.S. attorney in Southern California, on a list of six individuals intended for nominations to the federal bench.

By all accounts, Bumatay is thoroughly qualified and would make an exceptional judge on the Federal Bench. Harris can’t get past her politics.

“A nominee for a lifetime appointment to the federal bench must demonstrate exceptional skill, professionalism and respect for the principle of equal justice under law,” Harris said. “Mr. Bumatay does not meet this standard. Mr. Bumatay has a troubling prosecutorial record, lacks the requisite experience, and has drawn criticism from members of California’s legal community, across party lines. It is clear that he lacks the judgment and qualifications to serve on the Ninth Circuit.”

And Brett Kavanaugh was a serial sex offender. Except for the part where there’s no proof that would stand up in an actual court or that all the evidence suggests fraud on the part of the accusers, including Harris.

And Harris has the nerve to suggest Trump’s choice is political.  Her politics are far more important than the opportunity to elevate a qualified individual to the Federal bench who happens to be a minority and a gay conservative. 

It’s that last bit she’s hung up one. You can be gay, a minority, a gay minority, but not a conservative gay minority, you bigoted hater!

Mr. Trump’s judicial nominees have been outstanding. Democrats, however, will never let anything trump their ideology, especially gay minorities.

As I’ve so often demonstrated, to Democrats “diversity” is Newspeak for lock-step ideological supremacy. As long as you agree with them, they don’t care about anything else. But that works both ways. If you don’t agree with them, no amount of diversity will protect you from them.

I hope ordinary voting American’s can see that.

| Washington Blade

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