The truth

The Truth About “Critical Race Theory”

Nearly six decades ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for a better world, imploring us to judge others by “the content of their character.” He offered a vision of an America that united people across racial, political, and economic lines—a vision that we can all believe in.

Kendall Qualls Take Charge

“I Won’t Let Critical Race Theory Divide my Family”

From – “Take Charge is an organization committed to supporting the notion that the idea of America works for everyone regardless of race and station in life. We believe that we own our future by instilling the idea of taking charge of our lives, our families, and communities.”

How Florida Is Dealing With Critical Race Theory … and What New Hampshire Needs to Do Next

It is not enough to play defense. We need to go on the offense. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recognizes that: DeSantis signed a series of education reforms, including a requirement to the high school government curriculum that students be taught the “evils of communism and totalitarian ideologies.” Under DeSantis, Florida was one of the leaders in … Read more


Critical Race Theory Divides Instead of Unites the Nation

I have to respond to Charles Ajootian (Letter to the Editor, below) who says, several times, I forget. No, I do not forget those things mentioned, I lived through some of them. Being 78 years old I remember Selma, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. being killed, the murder of young northern kids bussed down to … Read more

Sununu Sun King Laughing

Florida vs. New Hampshire (Critical Race Theory)

THIS: THIS is how a REAL Republican Governor deals with the American Left’s version of Mao’s cultural revolution.  He unequivocally condemns it and he uses all the powers of his office to protect the people he represents. He does not … as New Hampshire’s Sun King Chris I-Am-The-Constitution Sununu does … disingenuously try to be … Read more