It’s Time for The Gilford School Board to Cough Up The Critical Race Theory Materials

by Skip

Yes, I’ve been found out (to a point); From Commenter NHNative:

I’m seeing the beginnings of the “How to Do” section at GG.

Yes it is. Not that we are the end-all-be-all at this stuff but I’m happy to rapidly “fail and engineer again” with this to get it right (and Ann Marie is doing the same).

“Experts” in and only that we’re trying to get to what actually works.

And we’ve got some legal backup coming as well to help hone our “RTK edges” to tissue-cutting sharpness. And some rhetorical war hammers are in the process of being constructed as well.

One way or another, especially when it comes to Critical Race Theory (and all the other euphemisms that Education is trying to hide behind), with your help, we can make School Boards Follow The Law.

Simple, isn’t it? Should be a concept that ALL Americans can get behind, right? After all, our Republic was built on the Pillar that is The Rule of Law.

Unfortunately, as we’ve been seeing, our Culture is starting to reject that Pillar – much to our dismay and ultimate demise. And we’re seeing it in the one, singular, entity that students are aware of – School Boards.

In today’s environment, it is the “Professionals” – having captured School Boards in this Marxist “CRT Fad” – that are rejecting not just The Rule of Law but of American political philosophy entirely.

But they can’t escape it just yet.

What I have given to the Laconia School Board, I gave to the Gilford School Board this past Monday:

August 2, 2021

Ms. Gretchen Gandini
Chair, Gilford School Board
2 Belknap Mtn Rd
Gilford, NH 03249

RE: Right to Know Request per RSA-91A

Dear Gilford School Board Chair Gandini,

With the recent change in the law (the passage of HB2), it is incumbent upon all subdivisions of the State to cease and desist from the teaching of such concepts enumerated with this new legislation.

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am requesting public access, within 5 business days, to the following governmental records: For the District. Between teachers, staff, parents, outside entities, school committee, etc. starting January 1, 2020 till current.

A. Teacher Training

  • Regarding teacher and staff training at SAU73: copies of instructional materials including instructor manuals and guides, training assignments and presentations regarding teacher or staff training on Racial Sensitivity, Critical Race Theory, Culturally Appropriate, “Diversity, Inclusion, Equity” (or “DIE” for short), Social Justice, Diversity training, Social and Emotional Learning, Cultural Competencies, or other such training materials using similarly named euphemisms related to those just enumerated. These are all being demanded for review.
  • Names of third party contractors, if any, conducting said training or providing related documents.
  • Copies of documentation related to contracts and contract award and bidding of said contracts and payment documentation.
  • All correspondence, including email, letters, internal instant messaging, related to said contracts between School District and contractors.
  • All financial documents including invoices, payment vouchers, checks, documentation related to Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT, regardless of the transfer agent used such as ACH or Paypal)
  • Full legal name of teacher training instructors involved in such training or assignments. All correspondence, including email, letters, internal messaging, related to materials and books to review based on race, diversity, inclusion and social justice (et al; see above listing) for students or staff.

B. K-12 Curriculum Materials

  • Copies of Curriculum plans, Teacher Guides and Manuals, in class and homework assignments, regarding Action Civics, Cultural Competency, Racial Sensitivity training, Critical Race Theory, any tenets of race training, Social Justice, Diversity training, social emotional learning, diversity equity and inclusion (or any other such documentation similar to the enumerated topics but using related euphemisms to obfuscate their intent) instruction at the K-12 level.
  • Copies of documentation related to grants received for said curriculum materials or instruction, including names of grantors and receipts. All correspondence, including email, letters, internal instant messaging on any school server, related to grants between school officials and grantors.
  • Copies of contracts with publishers and suppliers of said curriculum materials, including their party contractors, if any, conducting said instruction, and copies of documentation related to contracts and contract award and bidding of said contracts. All correspondence, including email, letters, internal instant messaging on any school server, related to said contracts or grants between school officials and contractors and grantors.

Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

Please let me know when these records are available for inspection or you may email the records to me at If the volume is turns out to be substantial, I’ll be happy to supply a backup drive sufficient to hold all of your responsive records.

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.


As with my others of late, I have still not even gotten a “receipt of your RTK” of this nor the one about the Legal GL line items. And with the Superintendent on leave until at least October, this process will take a while….fun, fun, FUN!


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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