left-wing-gun nuts

Where did the Liberal “Gun Nuts” Go?

Left Wing Gun Nuts. Where did they go? Where are they hiding? Why are they so silent? Six years ago…Specifically, March 18, 2013 I posted, “The “Gun Nuts” Liberals Pretend Do Not Exist.” In that Grok article I wrote, The Champagne Socialist like Bloomberg, Feinstein and other sorts on the left fund visceral hoplophobic attacks … Read more

So, the DC Republicans do this in my name? And you have to ask why I am leaving the GOP?

Breaking: Omnibus passes House 316-113; Update: Senate approves, 65-33 Ahem. It doesn’t take much leadership to push through a bill that the opposition supports and that Obama wants to sign. John Boehner could have done that. The huge expansion of H-2B visas alone should have killed this bill, especially with millions of American workers still sidelined … Read more

“How the New Left Took Over the Democratic Party”

Rarely do I repost an entire article little commentary – this will be one of those times as the content and style of the piece is such that it hangs altogether on its own.  To pull a snippet here or another one from there would be a slight to the author and I still haven’t … Read more

“The Tao of Poo”

Too good not to print in it’s entirety. Via Ace. “Every day, many of us look around and frankly wonder what’s going on in this country of ours. It’s obvious that President Obama has been a disaster for the country, but there is endless speculation as to the nature of the disaster, whether it’s incidental … Read more

It is your’s to choose tomorrow: Marxism / Progressivism / Black Liberation Theology vs the American Experiment of our Founding Fathers

What is at stake tomorrow?  It is, once again, a time that I cannot just excerpt a piece of another’s post and then do the obligatory “go read the whole thing”.  This piece sums up why Conservatives are going to vote for Romney, like him or not.  And once again, it illustrates why Libertarians should … Read more

Where Maya Angelou intimates that we can be legislated to love each other

Huh? I was looking up a word that was the equivalent of gaggle at Dictionary.com but starting with a “p” (then it popped up in my head: ” radical vision of Obama and his punishing posse of Progressives“) but there was a quote that was in the right sidebar from  Maya Angelo (emphasis mine): Strictly … Read more

A Tale of Two Cities: Detroit and Houston

GOOD READ below, from from National Review. You can subscribe to National Review HERE (I do; well worth it). Houston, We Have a Solution A tale of two cities BY MARIO LOYOLA  On a warm Saturday evening in June 1943, crowds were relaxing on Belle Isle, a retreat slightly larger than New York’s Central Park nestled in the … Read more