Florida vs. New Hampshire (Critical Race Theory) - Granite Grok

Florida vs. New Hampshire (Critical Race Theory)

Sununu Sun King Laughing


THIS is how a REAL Republican Governor deals with the American Left’s version of Mao’s cultural revolution.  He unequivocally condemns it and he uses all the powers of his office to protect the people he represents.

He does not … as New Hampshire’s Sun King Chris I-Am-The-Constitution Sununu does … disingenuously try to be both for it and against it at the same time (Sununu falsely claims that there is a distinction between teaching Critical Race Theory, which he says he opposes, and teaching “systemic racism” and “implicit bias,” which he supports). He does not … as Sun King Sununu does … hide behind the mantra of “local control” in order to avoid taking action to protect schoolchildren from Critical Race Theory. And he does not … as Sun King Sununu does … have his RINO-henchmen in the Legislature sabotage and undermine efforts by real Republicans to combat Critical Race Theory.
