Marxist Thinkers Invented Critical Race Theory (CRT) to Upend Society – Stack of Stuff Part 5

by Skip

While we “little people” have to suffer the results on our children by having “woke” teachers and Education Staff ram it into their hearts and minds, celebrities are also a big part of the problem.

They generally are as they seem to jump on every bandwagon that the Left presents. Every Fad (because none of them seem to last more than spit does on a hot sidewalk) is embraced, yelled from the rafters, and then that whole mental midget parade moves onto the Next Greatest Outrage of the Second.

But the Good Lord above protect those that get in their way – the TWITTER / FACEBOOK WRATH be upon them. Even worse is when the “heretic” is one of their own and first examples is what happens when the Beautiful People turn on such:

Media reports surfacing Tuesday and Wednesday went after Chip and Joanna Gaines for donating to a campaign run by Chip Gaines’ sister that critiques critical race theory. The “Fixer Upper” stars donated $1,000 to Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District School Board candidate Shannon Braun’s campaign, The Dallas Morning News reported last week. Braun has called critical race theory the “single most divisive threat that we have in education.”

…Critical race theory holds that America is fundamentally racist, yet it teaches people to view every social interaction and person in terms of race. Its adherents pursue “antiracism” through the end of merit, objective truth, and the adoption of race-based policies.

I don’t watch their shows so I don’t know them from Adam but it is clear that they are reality TV shows that actually do something (like Dangerous Catch or Bering Sea Gold as opposed to the Kardashians) but it has been a hit and she has broadened out to home goods as well. So what do you think the mob will do to them?

Like a cancerous tumor that has metastasized in the body, Critical Race Theory and its variants including social justice; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); anti-racism; cultural competency; and implicit bias have poisoned all aspects of public education and even some private schools.  These hateful and racist philosophies have become entrenched in every level and aspect of American public education.

…Critical Race Theorists know that the most important way to bring about the destructive change they seek is through the indoctrination of students at the primary and secondary levels of education.  Starting with curricula, Critical Race Theory and its variants are promoted by teachers’ unions, implemented by building administrators, adopted by district administrations, and approved by school boards.  Critical Race adherents know they are not able to implement their agenda in every public school system right away.  A gradual, incremental approach is necessary, especially in areas that tend to have more conservative communities.

As a high school administrator in one of these communities, I am living through this experience right now in my career.  The insidious way social justice and anti-racist education are brought into school systems starts with the professional development training of the teaching and administrative staffs.  This is done quietly at the beginning of and throughout the school year.  In these mandated trainings, school staff are a captive audience, free from the watchful eye of the communities they serve.  Trainings are usually led by DEI consultants.  These consultants are usually professors from one of the local colleges or universities and are highly paid by school districts to indoctrinate the staff in how “white privilege” causes Caucasian teachers to treat their non-white students differently without the teachers realizing that this is happening.  The result for the weak-minded and emotional staff who succumb to this outrageous line of thinking is a form of self-loathing that will equate to serious activism through the indoctrination of students.

  • U. Wisconsin-Milwaukee workshop helps participants to ‘confront whiteness’

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee recently hosted an event featuring a pair of “Reflective Justice” experts who helped attendees “confront whiteness in the campus community.” The April 29 workshop was part of the Honors Antiracism Event Series and led by Beloit College’s Lisa Anderson-Levy and Catherine Orr. The UWM Honors College “seeks to be a radically welcoming space where all students, staff, and faculty can flourish and experience genuine belonging,” reports Wisconsin Right Now.

Except they never admit that “welcoming” has been redefined – ONLY those that are expressing solidarity with THEIR world view are welcome – they are “inclusive” only of their own. That “all students”? Yeah, if *I* walked into that “group, image how “welcome” I’d be, right?

According to the event description, the professors contend whiteness can be when a (white) student “says or does something — even unintentionally — that targets students of color,” or when a (white) faculty member “believes that ‘blue lives matter’ is equivalent to ‘Black Lives Matter.’” Workshop participants were “encouraged” to read a pair of articles: One, a New York Times piece, says “Mr. [George] Floyd’s death is the story of our babies, of the numerous black children who grow up literally or metaphorically under the steel heel of a police boot.” The other is about black students at PWIs — predominately white institutions — which “allow white and rich students to silence, manipulate and demean students of color.”

Yeah, so this whole racket is all about turning the tables on weak-minded and spirited Whites to get them to profess that racism against them is no racism at all. The Left hates it but ANY racism is racism, straight up.

…“Our vision of professional development is about promoting institutional environments where white people can move beyond their fears and join with black, indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) in the work of reflective justice, an essential element of our mutual liberations. In short, our work is about decentering whiteness in institutional spaces so everyone can thrive,” the site’s main page says.

And we’re back to SJW gobbledygook.  Sorry, I’m already liberated – using the standard definition of the word. Really, “decentering whiteness” should be ridiculed every time you hear it.

  • Actually, the title should have been “Marxists bloodless way to take over everything”. Instead, he went all pithy: MARXIST LIVES MATTER

The Left organizes around oppression. Oppression is a negative and the movement is defined around defining negative phenomena and organizing against them. It’s an outrage machine that depends on finding enough of those negatives to justify its own rise to political power.

But as it gains power, the amount of oppression ought to decrease. And accordingly the Left’s power also ought to decrease in proportion since it has no positive vision only a negative one. Instead, paradoxically, the more power the Left gains, the worse the oppression becomes.

Not only does the general state of things get worse, but every specific area where it claims to be making progress somehow becomes much worse than it was before. After Obama took office, race relations took a dive as the country somehow became more racist during a black president. Last year, every Democrat city was denounced as an outpost of systemic racism where black people were being hunted by the police for sport. That’s when women aren’t being hunted down on some of the most progressive and diverse college campuses and industries in the country.

It’s simply the process of turning everything inside out and trying to make everyone believe that Marxist lyin’ eyes are to be believed more than their own.

And here is a GREAT example of Racism – simply because of the color of your skin:

The Hermosa Beach City School District recently hired a diversity, equity and inclusion consultant who will help train teachers about their white privilege, among other duties.

The decision has prompted anger and frustration among a group of parents who argued against infusing race and privilege trainings into the very small public school district, located in a coastal city south of Los Angeles and consisting of two elementary schools and a middle school.

…One board member accused parents who stood in opposition to the hire of living in an echo chamber, while others suggested the concerned parents simply misunderstand the lessons and goals of the diversity, equity and inclusion curriculum.

Atwater also said during the meeting that what she trains on is not “critical race theory.” But the scholar’s published works include weighing in on “whiteness norms … that systemically benefit white people” and arguments against a color-blind society, according to her faculty bio.

One Hermosa Beach citizen, Matt McCool, who has been vocal against the Hermosa Beach City School District’s push for DEI training, posted a video of Atwater in which she explains how in her trainings she gently guides people to understand they are racist even if they think they are not:

“More rhetoric from consultant Sheri A. Castro-Atwater on white privilege and white supremacy. Color-blind racial ideology is actually racist towards people of color,” McCool wrote in posting the video on Facebook. “The great irony of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force is the lack of diversity of thought, and any alternative views are not equal nor included.”

And how does the Education system double down on this? Teach the teachers that THEY are the racist ones – so their students must be as well. And an admission that it’s Marxist all the way down:

As part of its “Ethnic Studies Initiative,” Santa Clara County, California’s Office of Education recently lectured its teachers that the United States is a “parasitic” system which has led to “domestic violence, drug overdoses, and other social problems”.  The county’s teacher workshops were in preparation for implementation of the state’s new ethnic studies curriculum.

And when do we see traditional American values presented. Go ahead, can anyone tell me what ALL of these are without looking them up?

California approved the 900-page curriculum last month. Its overview section states oppression will be studied via the intersection(s) of “patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, exploitative economic systems, ableism, ageism, anthropocentrism, xenophobia, misogyny, antisemitism, anti-blackness, anti-indigeneity, Islamophobia, and transphobia”. According to a new report by Christopher Rufo at City Journal, presenters at the Santa Clara workshops “encouraged teachers to inject left-wing politics into the classroom and to hide controversial materials from parents.”

One of the presenters, Jorge Pacheco, was an advisor to the (ethnic studies) curriculum. He said the document is based on the work of Paulo Freire, a Brazilian Marxist known for his “pedagogy of the oppressed.”

You get that – “to hide controversial materials from parents”???   Time to Right To Know ALL School Boards for ALL of the curriculum that your child may see in their classroom. This is a PERFECT example where your taxpayer funded school system that 1) hates YOU parents, 2) believes YOU parents are just plain stupid, and 3) YOUR kids are really their kids.

And WHO is running the school system? Here in NH, it’s supposed to be the School Boards. Most of the time it’s the Superintendent as they have “captured” your elected Representatives that they are merely rubber stamps:

  • School District: ‘Our Superintendent Is Doing His Job’ By Saying Critical Race Theory ‘Isn’t Optional Anymore’

In January, Don Grotting, superintendent of the school district in Beaverton, Ore., suggested that if teachers disagree with the “anti-racism” movement inspired by critical race theory, they should seek work elsewhere. Critical race theory upends society by claiming that America is systemically racist, despite clear civil rights laws outlawing race-based discrimination. The ideology also arguably promotes racism by demonizing white people and supposedly “white” aspects of society. The Oregon Department of Education and multiple members of the school board have defended Grotting.

And this, clear civil rights laws outlawing race-based discrimination, is going to be their Archille’s Heel (or is that off-limits as well – using Greek that gave us many of our Classic Western thought?) along with their own Bullying / Harassment Policies that can (and will) be used against them.

“I do want the message to get out there that this [anti-racism training] isn’t optional anymore,” Grotting said in a Zoom equity meeting on January  28, 2021, The Daily Wire reported. “We’ve waited for the willing, and if you’re not willing then maybe this isn’t the right place for you to work” (emphasis added). “Maybe we can free up your future, because if we’re going to become an anti-racist school district, it can’t just be a few people, it needs to be everybody, to include our staff, our students, our community, eventually everyone,” the superintendent said.

Get that?  EVERYONE. NO one will be allowed to have independent thoughts or worldviews.  Smells like Marxist Totalitarianism to me! Compelled Speech – and I haven’t seen a single article where anyone there spoke up against this anti-First Amendment utterance.

And thanks to this, Segregation is back again, especially on college campuses. While it isn’t using the Democrat spawned Jim Crow laws, College Administrators are kneeling to their Masters and setting aside facilities (and graduation ceremonies that we’ve seen the last few weeks) to be used only by Skin Color.

“Here, Black People, is your new segregated housing. Now like it!

American University announces ‘Black Affinity Housing’: Other universities across the nation have instituted similar segregated housing plans. “Campus Reform recently covered an op-ed written by American University freshman Kayla Kelly, who argued that welcoming White students back to campus after COVID-induced shutdowns ‘could evoke similar effects of settler colonialism and negatively impact’ the Black community of Washington, D.C.”

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