Attorney General Barr, as reported by Kevin Landrigan at the Union Leader, has decided to appeal a federal court decision (New Hampshire Lottery Comm’n v. Barr, Case No. 19-cv-163-PB (D.N.H. 2019)) that could ultimately “blow a $100m hole in lottery revenue.”
Three Laconia Women Want to Take “Topless Campaign” to the Highest Court in the Land
The ongoing saga of three women who want to go topless in New Hampshire continues. The ladies are challenging a Laconia town ordinance that prohibits the practice. Having failed to find relief at any court in the Granite State, they’d like SCOTUS to hear them out.
Trump Derangement Syndrome will Choose Dem Nominee
Will Trump Derangement Syndrome choose the democrat nominee? Yesterday, Dr. Jill Biden spoke to voters at a bookstore in Manchester, NH, and urged primary voters to ‘swallow’ and vote for Sleepy Joe.
Lakes Region TEA Party – Debate: legalization of cannabis/marijuana
The Lakes Region TEA Party will meet August 21, 2019 at 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library. We will have expert advocates and opponents of legalizing marijuana for recreational use in New Hampshire (HB 481).
FUDDS: They Write Letters To The Seacoast Online
Enough cannot be said about FUDDs. We need to purge the FUDDs from our midst. Its not about their opinion. everybody is entitled to their own opinions, just not their facts. FUDDs dont speak for the 2nd Amendment community.
ICYMI – Manchester, NH Trump Rally Attendance Confirmed at Nearly 20,000
GraniteGrok was on point in debunking the empty-seat conspiracies. No left-wing sorcery. They had record-breaking attendance at the Manchester Rally venue. The City Fire Department has confirmed that close to 20,000 people showed up.
Manchester Trump Rally – the “Empty Seat” conspiracy theory. Bunk!
UPDATED and BUMPED: Seems to be standard fare – Trump makes a claim, his critics say he’s wrong, then he’s proved right. You’d think the critics would learn that he’s playing them but Stupidity reigns supreme! Check this out: Sorry Elton John, your record’s not still standing: Fire marshal says Donald Trump’s boast that he … Read more
Manchester Trump Rally: President Trump Speech – Parts 8, 9 and 10; the last in the series
One thing sticks out at me at events like this – I keep wondering why they even bother to put up TOFUS (Teleprompter of the United States)? I’ve watched him when he gives a “measured” speech (for him, that is) and you can tell that his vocabulary and sentence structure are FAR different than what … Read more
Manchester Trump Rally: President Trump Speech – Parts 6 & 7
And on the top of the 90 minutes (plus a tad) speech that President Trump gave on this past Thursday night at SNHU Arena! Two more 10 minute (or so) segments below: Part 6: Part 7:
Manchester Trump Rally: President Trump Speech – Parts 4 & 5
And we get to the middle of the Manchester based SNHU Arena address by President Trump. And if you were wondering where in the speech it was, President Trump, as he was acknowledging all of the Republican political dignitaries to his left in the ramp area, near the end of Part 5 is where he … Read more
Manchester Trump Rally: President Trump Speech – Parts 2 & 3
Continuing on with President Trump’s speech at the SNHU Arena to a massive crowd that had been waiting for hours for him to come out to talk to them, here is the next set of video clips: Part 2: Part 3:
Manchester Trump Rally: President Trump Speech – Part 1
Sorry this is up late but I’ve had to redo a few video clips due to the copyright issue stemming from the sound company playing copyrighted materials and we got caught in the middle. Anyways, after HOURS after us first being let into Arena, President Trump finally came in and addressed the crowd to great … Read more
Manchester Trump Rally – Odds and Ends
UPDATED and BUMPED: the dispute is still in process but now *I* can play the video but only on YouTube. Here’s from the “plain URL” (“”) and not the usual embed codes I use – Readers, please let me know if you can watch it as well. *************************** Groksters Kimberly and Steve have already put … Read more
Small Farm v Big Government – Raw Milk Ice Cream
Earlier this month, on August 4th, Jill Fudala and her husband got a sternly written letter from the Department of Health and Human Services telling them that their sale of Raw Milk Ice Cream was illegal, and needed to stop immediately, or else they’d face fines of $500 per day, with $1,000 to start. Like … Read more
Cranky Mayor Craig Has Hwy Dept. Confiscate Her Opponents Campaign Signs Before Trump Rally
If you went to the Trump rally yesterday, you saw campaign signs outside. Steve Negron was there. Gen. Don Bolduc for Senate had signs everywhere. But no Victoria Sullivan signs. The Mayor’s office, her Democrat incumbent opponent, ordered them to all be removed.
Trump Rally: There Were Thousands Inside and Hundreds of People Watching OUTSIDE
Last night Trump held his first campaign rally in New Hampshire since 2016. There were supporters who actually camped out in line overnight in order to get their choice of seats when the doors opened. The line getting into the arena was literally down Elm Street and around corners. It’s not quite clear where the … Read more
From Manchester – Vietnamese Americans for Trump
In the interest of slaying Left-Wing Tropes, we present this from Right Side Broadcasting. It is a short interview with an excited Trump supporter outside the SNHU Arena Wednesday night. She’s Vietnamese and has a message for us.
GraniteGrok Will Be On-site at the SNHU Arena All Day for the Trump Rally
Skip, Kimberly, and I will all be on-site before and before and during the Trump Rally in Manchester. Taking pictures, doing interviews, and documenting the Presidents remarks.
Trump Supporters Gear up for Manchester Rally While Democrats Spew Hate
If you drive by the SNHU Arena in Manchester right now, you’ll see that Trump supporters have already started lining up for his rally tomorrow night. These people started lining up more than 24 hours in advance of the rally. They are literally camping out and will definitely have their choice of seats when the … Read more
Democrats Finally Admit Their Budget Raises Taxes
Last Friday, Governor Sununu met with Democrat leaders to talk about the continuing budget impasse. Today is day 46 of the state operating under a continuing resolution, for those keeping score at home, and the Democrats really had some wild ideas on how to solve the budget veto.