Democrats sat on their hands as President Trump rattled off historical gains and record-breaking economic improvements for minorities in America. That’s not new, by the way. If you search their congressional web pages you won’t find a word about any of it.
Democrats don’t care about minorities they just want their votes.
It explains the Democrat party’s near-total years-long blackout on the topic of economic improvements for minorities. A statement punctuated by Nancy Pelosi ripping up that good news in front of them and the world.
Not just the record improvements for minorities but for women, young workers, veterans, blue-collar jobs, trade, and national security. The Democrats (not all but most), many dressed in snooty, elitist, superior white (what I call the party’s traditional Klan colors), sat on their hands. Not a smile nor a peep nor a clap for record low minority unemployment. Record job creation. Lowering poverty and improving the lives of working Americans.
Nothing. And then Nancy ripped it up in front of you, them, and the world.
That’s what she thinks about all of that.
The Left is amused by her display. The media titters. Even the entertainment world thinks it is funny, but the joke is on them. The optics are terrible.
How bad?
Democrats have cemented the position that they want nothing to do with any of these accomplishments. That they not only have nothing to do with them but they can’t even be bothered to acknowledge them or remember that they happened. Why?
Politics and power are more important than people.
Mr. Trump delivered a list of great accomplishments in the last few years. Improvements in the lives of all the people the Democrats claimed would be hurt by Donald Trump’s economic and trade agenda. People whose lives are better in spite of the Left’s 24/7/365 lies and misdirection.
Democrats focused on partisan investigations based on fake accusations. Show trials that ignored due process rights and the rule of law. Nothing else matters to them but taking down the guy who just delivered on the promises they Left has been making for a generation.
Trump and Republicans helped the people who needed it most then came before us to share the good news.
And then Nancy ripped it up in front of them and the world.
And they think they are smarter than us?