Andru Volinsky at BLM rally FI

Black Lives Matter CONDEMNS Andy Volinsky

This, from the Black Lives Matter Manchester’s Facebook Page: In case you have not been following, BLM-Manchester is referring to Volinsky’s absurd claim that Eddie Edwards was not qualified to head the State’s licensing agency. I urge you to read the comments section. The White “allies” are flabbergasted and incredulous that BLM-Manchester is not blindly … Read more

comrade volinsky

Volinsky proving another Socialist stereotype: a non-apology apology

Hate to keep harping on Selfish Andru but he’s turning out to be a treasure trove: Volinsky did not apologize specifically to the governor or to the nominee, Ryan Terrell, but he told WMUR in an interview, “It’s clear that I used some language (Wednesday) that has offended some people and that was not my … Read more

Andru Volinsky at BLM rally FI

Andru Volinsky – Mask Hypocrite

Yes, Volinsky is wearing a mask. At the recent Black Lives Matter rally. And yes, he’s just being politically correct because, well, that’s who and what he is. Go ahead and ask him “Don’t ALL LIVES MATTER”?

Andy Volinsky is Such an Annoying #Maskhole

So #VolinskyAgenda went on a twitter-tirade today because Governor Chris “Cave” Sununu … in a rare moment of backbone … didn’t cave to Tyrion’s demand that he order everyone to “mask up”: Let’s focus on the second to last tweet: So “every scientist in the country” believes that if 80 percent of the population wore … Read more

andru volinsky edelblut Education

Comrade Andru Volinsky – Where’s Your Proof?

In a May 19th letter to the Union Leader, New Hampshire Executive Councilor and Democrat candidate for Governor Andru Volinsky makes a casual aside. He implies without providing any evidence that some of the #ReopenNH protesters are paid.

More Signs of Desperation from the Volinsky Campaign … #ItsyBitsyVolinsky Plays the “You’re an AntiSemite” Card

A few days ago, Steve posted about a political stunt by Andru Volinsky (hereinafter ItsyBitsyVolinsky or just ItsyBitsy): Democrat candidate for Governor (and Executive Councilor) Andu Volinsky has attempted to use the Coronavirus outbreak and response in New Hampshire for cross-political purposes. News 9, WMUR, has called him out and unexpectedly committed journalism. Well, ItsyBitsy’s … Read more