Andru Volinsky – Mask Hypocrite

by Skip

Yes, Volinsky is wearing a mask. At the recent Black Lives Matter rally. And yes, he’s just being politically correct because, well, that’s who and what he is. Go ahead and ask him “Don’t ALL LIVES MATTER”?

As a Socialist politician toeing the Democrat Identity Group Politics Totem Poll, be prepared for the usual Leftist treatment. Which begs the question, doesn’t he care about the rest of us here in NH which is predominately “People of Pallor Color” who actually vote?

Or would this anti-Christian bigot call me a melanin bigot for even bringing up the fact that most New Hampshirites are Caucasian (to the tune of 97%)? Or does he believe that such a questioner is AUTOMATICALLY guilty of “systematic racism,” and “unconscious bias,” and simply by looking at the rest of us (er, if we ARE wearing masks and dark glasses, how could he tell?)?

Or is it just an “inherent superpower” that Bernie-Bro Socialists and other Leftist who believe in the Power of Political Correctness they possess that the rest of us lack?

No matter. The point is that he RAILED against the ReOpenNH rallies where “People of Mask Colors” and “People of No Mask Colors” intermingled in and around the State House against his blowhard fulminations. How DARE they go without masks? What unmitigated gall that we all just ignore this Little Napoleon?

Don’t they know that the guidelines of the (now discredited) World Health Organization and the (now discredited) CDC both say that wearing masks is silly unless you are caring for active Wu Flu patients?

Oh, wait, I digress. Try this instead: never let a PC rally go to waste while trashing Freedom/Liberty/Constitutional values rallies for pretty much doing the same thing. Just look over his shoulder!


LOTS of people protesting (just like at ReOpenNH). And, LOTS more people than the 10 that Sununu’s guidance allows for (just like at ReOpenNH).  Lots of people close together and not following “social distancing” (just like at ReOpenNH). And LOTS of people without masks (just like at ReOpenNH).

Yet, there he is even after grinding Sununu about why he hasn’t shut them down. ReOpenNH vs BLM, I guess. But here’s the question:

Why didn’t he drop his sanctimonious sign and go hector those without masks unceasingly?

Why wasn’t he spending all his time, instead of preening for the camera, in trying to shame them all for wanting to kill their grandparents? Or the elderly? Or those with comorbidities? Or all three? Nope, because of a stupid sense of SOLIDARITY (and vote pandering). Yup, ya gotta be seen with the Masses to gain the recognition that you’re with them.

Oops – the mask and dark glasses bit. Never mind.

The sign will tell them all. Oh wait – given his stance that ONLY Government Education should be allowed, that might not work either.

How are those Govt History lessons, there Andru? Would most coming out of our Public Schools even understand “MLK” anymore?

Oh, Skip, how can you be so cruel – it’s ALL ABOUT THE STICKER on his chest stating “Do you know who I am”???

I wonder if this post will have him change his campaign materials – the faceless man behind the sticker…..heh!

He’s still a bigot. He’s still a “Government over People” kinda guy. And a hypocrite when necessary for political pandering.

Cute outfit. Faceless. Just like he treats the rest of us – as faceless people, just cogs in his social machine.

(H/T: Beth)

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