So here is Andy Volinsky’s latest apology for his racism:

In other words, I think Edwards, Terrell are just as unqualified as Edelblut, etcetera … but I am sorry I said so out loud because I got called out on it by Black Lives Matter – Manchester.
Andy, sweetie, the reason you got called out by BLM-Manchester and the reason your statement was racist is that Eddie Edwards is EMINENTLY QUALIFIED. Saying he is not qualified is code for Edwards doesn’t think, talk and act like us rich, White liberals think he should.
Edwards’ education:
- BBA, Business Administration, Northcentral University
- Diploma of Management, Strategic Management of Regulatory & Enforcement Agencies, Harvard Kennedy School of Executive Education
- Graduated, Constitutional Law/Labor Law, National Federal Bureau of Investigation Academy, 2006
- AA, Criminal Justice, New Hampshire Techinal Institute, 2005
His experience:
- Founder, Eddie Edwards Consulting, 2013-present
- Former Chief, New Hampshire State Division of Liquor Enforcement
- Officer, Strafford County Department of Corrections
- Director of Community Relations, Office of United States Congressman Frank Guinta, 2015
- Instructor, National Leadership Institute, 2008-2014
- Trainer/Consultant, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, 2003-2014
- Chief of Police, Town of South Hampton, 2013-2014
- Director, Division of Enforcement and Licensing, New Hampshire State Liquor Commission, 2005-2013
- Lieutenant, Division of Enforcement and Licensing, 2002-2005
- Special Services Unit Commander, New Hampshire State Liquor Commission, 2002-2005
- BM3, United States Navy, 1987-1990