NH Democrat Andru Volinsky Shows His Disdain for Others - Granite Grok

NH Democrat Andru Volinsky Shows His Disdain for Others

comrade volinsky

Wednesday was Organization Day for the new session of the NH House and was held outside at UNH. The problem for the Democrats was that they forgot about the first Rule for Success – showing up.

Related: Destroying A NH Democrat’s Meaningless Rant About Unmasked Republicans on Organization Day

Yes, being smart, being motivated, doing your homework, outworking the competition are all part of Success as well but none of that matters if you aren’t there for the last part of “Success” as a Legislator is being able to cast a Vote. And over 100 Democrats forgot that last part. OK, they didn’t – it was on purpose but it still set the stage for Volinsky

And Selfish Socialist Andru Volinsky let it be known that he was disgusted in that the normal Organization Day activities went on regardless of the no-shows:

Sure, the Democrats knew this was coming as the pendulum went the other way for the election results and there was really nothing they could do to stop it. That said, the important bit:

Too bad the House took important votes yesterday, including a vote to dispense with harassment training for members.

So, I guess a vote that got rid of the Rule, implemented by the Democrat majority LAST session was of no importance (heh!)? OK, I’m poking a bit of fun at SSAV. But he’s right – votes were taken for Speaker, SecState, Treasurer – and the Rules for the House. Or in this case, a rejection of both the Rule that prohibited the carrying of guns in the House chamber as well as the Rule that MANDATED Sexual Harassment training.

It seems that my most favorite question “What is the Proper Role of Government?” is either being replaced by “Who Chooses?” Or is it that I just “condensed it” as Choice and the Proper Role are certainly intertwined…but I digress.

In both Rules, Government decided that it was going to make a choice about a Right – that of self-defense. It took that Constitutional choice of defending themselves away from law-abiding citizens (yes, let’s put aside those very few Reps that aren’t like that State Rep drug dealer) in which the NH Supreme Court finally ruled that a House Rule could not override said Constitutional Right. Yet, the Democrats, in making that Rule, decided that they could institute “Safetyism” to override “Constitutionalism” on a simple vote of the Majority (e.g., Mobocracy, Bruce Currie) over the protestations of the Minority of that Right. That’s what Pure Democracy does – ignore the Minority.

But that was the lesser of the two.

What Selfish Socialist Volinsky is peeved about is:

  • Further, they “settled the rules of proceedings in their own House” by no longer restricting the individual Choices of the House members but enhanced them by removing the Democrats restriction. I’d say that certainly restored Freedom and Liberty instead of Government making those choices.

But most of all, in line with the Democrats continuance of the idea that everyone is guilty:

  • Ticked that the Republicans removed the Democrat implication that ALL House members are guilty of being complicit in sexual harassment. It doesn’t matter if they ARE guilty of such actions, just that Government, via the Democrats Rule that all House members MUST undergo sexual harassment training, MADE THE CHOICE that all are simply guilty before the fact.

Again, Safetyism requires the overriding of a basic Pillar of our Republic – that all are innocent before proven guilty. Indeed, the Democrat Majority decided THEY could judge everyone to be guilty even if innocent. And it is this action that Selfish Socialist Volinsky is mad about – a return to the idea of innocence before guilt.

And forcing people to do things that they otherwise wouldn’t do. But that’s what Democrats do – infer Oppression by some and then have to mandate <something> in order to protect the oppressed. And in both the former and the latter, decisions and actions are ALWAYS group based – the individual is of no account.

So, is it fair to say that Democrats are the Collective Oppressors against the Oppressed Group known as Individuals?

So he’s ticked that the people show showed up to carry out their Constitutional Duties actually did so instead of falling for the Left’s flawed notion of “Social Justice”?  Too bad.

For there is no Justice in “Social Justice”.

(H/T: Terry)
