Abusive Union supporting John Lynch

Warning-SEIU Supports John LynchRyan Williams (GOP Spokesperson) just pulled a Kathy Sullivan.  He’s filed a complaint with the AG over an out of state Ad attacking John Stephen.  The democrats of course think this is hypocritical, you know, to act just like they do.  And maybe it is.  Or maybe Kathy is afraid Ryan will get an  overflowing complaint drawer at the AG’s office just like hers.

Speaking personally my "interest" in out of state interests turns entirely on the lefts obsession with pretending they don’t use them or get money from them, and who they are really funded by.  That’s the real hypocrisy.  So maybe Ryan Williams is just making a point?

But is it the right point to make? 

What’s the real issue with that Ad? 

It’s paid for by a group called ‘Citizens for Strength and Security.’ (CSS) The name is slightly misleading.  It should read "Citizens for Strength and Security of the Union/Government cabal."

CSS is primarily funded by the SEIU, ($800,000.00 dollars worth of SEIU funding) with additional money from other major unions, a few pro-government health care groups, and yes, the Democrat Governors association.   It’s policy focus claims are  Energy, Economy, Health Care, and Seniors.  It’s Policy page reads like Shaheen for Senate 2008, or anything you might find at OFA then or now.  It’s thin on details, high on rhetoric, and we’ve heard it before; even watched it fail as applied by the left under Obama.

So what’s the big deal?  If you skip the part about SEIU and unions getting bailed out repeatedly by democrats, and the possibility that some of this money is only available for this ad because they took our money, there isn’t one.  This is just another front for union money, spent on local elections to support liberal democrats like John Lynch, who favor big labor, big government, deceptive accounting gimmicks, and big spending programs that drain the wallets of taxpayers.  If John Lynch is happy with that kind of support, I am happy to make that connection.

And what is the connection?  The thugs at SEIU want John Lynch to be your Governor so he can  repay their support the way he has repaid other special interests who contribute to his campaign; the abortion lobby, Political OutGiving, pro-socialist democrat agenda groups.  And will the SEIU take no for an answer, not that Lynch ever said no to his other special interests wish lists? And should we expect that the SEIU could setting policy in New Hampshire now if they have not already?

That is more worrisome than whether CSS has or should register with the state.

As for the speech itself, this is America.  Political speech is a right. All this other crap is just playing at liberal roadblocks to speech they they themselves erected against the right that they do not even bother to follow themselves.   Let them speak.

The real challenge is not to find ways to intimidate speech, or even stop it, (Like the Sullivan /Hassan we hate that you have free speech too bill), or to piss and moan like a liberal about who is paying for it, (though we should take time to point it out with facts and details when we can), it is to educate and empower individuals so they can figure that out for themselves next time, and then measure the intentions and consequences of what that speech is trying to say.

An educated public can see this nonsense for what it is, and if you had not noticed, liberals want nothing to do with that.  They’d rather the people were ignorant.  They’d rather manage your political speech for you, control the message, limit the facts to those that favor them and their agenda.  They aren’t even satisfied with putting the dreaded ‘Right Wing’ Warning label on it–adults at or above the voting age cautioned.  Includes mature contents like self responsibility, liberty, freedom, and a healthy distrust of government; they want to wipe it out completely. That should tell you something about the strength of the liberal message.  It has none.

Which leads me back to the SEIU ad.  John Lynch is loved by the SEIU?  That’s great news.  A group that intimidates its opponents with threats of violence and even beat up a black man want’s Lynch to be the governor.  I think that’s the message you need to make.  So go shout it from the mountain top, and lets all stop acting like liberals.


(The list of CSS top five contributors supporting John Lynch)

1 Service Employees International Union $800,000
2 Communications Workers Of America $400,000
3 Foundation for Patients Rights $250,000
4 Americans for Stable Quality Care $180,000
5 Paloma Partners $100,000
5 Democratic Governor’s Assn $100,000
5 United Food & Commercial Workers Union $100,000

Link to table above here.

List of CSS donors here.

List of CSS expenditures here


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