John Lynch is smiling…for now.

by Tom


"I am ready to work with the new members of the legislature, regardless of party, to get results for New Hampshire…" – John Lynch, Gubernatorial victory speech, Nov 2, 2010.

So, let the emotional, "compassionate", message-resetting, back-pedaling, indignant, Progressive rhetoric begin.

From my current vantage point, the state-level elections appear to have gone red, red, red, and red, and John Lynch is looking like a "GINO" (Governor in Name Only):

  • Executive Council: 4 of 5 look solid for Republicans.
  • Senate: Republicans may take up to 19 of 24 seats (ok , maybe 20), having a solid veto-proof majority.
  • House: If Nashua is any indication (taking 22 of 28 seats, having only 4 last year), the House Republicans may also have that VPM.

All said, it doesn’t matter if Barack Hussein Obama, himself, becomes the Governor of New Hampshire; Republicans can do whatever they want.  Go to town, Dan Itse, go to town

Liberals must now take the position of defending their values, as an ass-whipped, cowering minority.

Oh, and by the way, we all need to call our newly-elected House Representatives tomorrow, and utter the secret password: "Bill O’Brien".

Lynch may regret winning this race….

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