David DePape - Image Source - everywhere

Paul Pelosi Hammered by a Three-Armed Nude Jehovah Riding an Invisible Unicorn

You will (by now) have heard the media’s interpretation of an alleged attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband. The details are sketchy, but “A Psychotic Homeless Addict Estranged From His Pedophile Lover & Their Children,” who is “a pro-BLM commune walked in only underwear from Berkeley to the ultrarich neighborhood in San Francisco” …

Nancy Pelosi - Screen Grab Congressional web site video

Breaking: House Dems Replace Pelosi

Democrats in DC are in the minority this time around, and look what they did. “In a Wednesday vote, Democrats unanimously voted to make Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) the leader of the party in the House.”


Thoughts and Prayers for Pelosis

When I heard the news about the horrific tool-related attack on Paul Pelosi the other day I immediately smelled a rat and knew something wasn’t right. So I did some investigating and as I suspected… The man is first of all white and male, which means there is a nearly 100% chance he is a … Read more

I don’t think Paul Ryan nor the NRCC get the irony in their own eblast

” beat me, smear me, dirty tricks me, despise me, ostracize me “ I get inundated with eblasts from all kinds of groups including the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee – to elect Republicans to the US House) and most of them are trying to pry money out of my wallet (like running GraniteGrok is cost-free?).  … Read more

SEC Files Charges Against Paul Pelois Jr. Company- That’s More Surprising If You Ask Me

SEC Files Charges Against Company co-founded by Paul Pelosi Jr. … …the son of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), was the president and chief operating officer of Natural Blue Resources Inc., an investment company he cofounded that focuses on “environmentally-friendly” ventures. Pelosi, a former Democrat Governor, and a pair of convicted fraudsters get … Read more

Why is anyone surprised at the incivil words of David Huot, Ed Philpot, Harrell Kirstein, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi?

“And Huot just spit on him in an insipid attack on the credibility of a true Patriot.” A gentle Patriot passed away a few days ago – Laconia’s Honorable Bob Kingsbury: Ret. Lt. Col. Robert P. Kingsbury, 87, died September 7, 2013 at Maple Leaf Health Care Center following a brief illness.  He was born … Read more

Hodespocrisy Flashback- Why I Call Him Paul “Sugar Daddy” Hodes

A few months back I discovered that Paul Hodes had received a one time $10,000.00 donation from American Crystal Sugar (A major US Sugar conglomerate), at about the same time as the 288 billion dollar 2007/2008 Farm bill was being pushed through congress, and vetoes overrode.  US Sugar is a protected industry with a good … Read more

David DePape - Image Source - everywhere

Pretending We’re the Same

In the wake of all the “you know what that went on, “you know where,” involving “you know who,” card-carrying members of the Order of Intellectual Misfits (digital street Dems) have been high-fiving each other over their clever comparisons to Gretchen Whitmer’s attempted abduction or Paul Pelosi getting attacked, as proof “MAGA” people don’t really … Read more

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.  Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch can, and presented as … Read more

October Surprise

Surprise, surprise – we Republicans are all to blame. A white supremacist MAGA supporter invaded the San Francisco home of Nancy and Paul Pelosi and cracked Paul’s head with a hammer. “Yeah, no”!

Nancy Pelosi - Screen Grab Congressional web site video

What is Nancy’s Endgame

Politicians do nothing unless there is a direct personal benefit to their actions. To believe they are genuine and have sacrificed personal gain to serve the people of their districts is the thinking of a fool. I thrive on being that fool sometimes.

explosion fire bomb war original Photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash

Please, Let’s Not Play It Again Uncle Sam.

Russia invades Ukraine and every politician and talking head is now shouting “Democracy is at stake” so, let’s look at our track record for going to war to “Save Democracy.”