Why is anyone surprised at the incivil words of David Huot, Ed Philpot, Harrell Kirstein, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi?

by Skip

And Huot just spit on him in an insipid attack on the credibility of a true Patriot.”

A gentle Patriot passed away a few days ago – Laconia’s Honorable Bob Kingsbury:

Ret. Lt. Col. Robert P. Kingsbury, 87, died September 7, 2013 at Maple Leaf Health Care Center following a brief illness.  He was born in Decatur, IL. on May 5, 1926, the son of Paul C. and Irene Rose (Garon) Kingsbury.

He was a graduate of Cleveland East Technical High School in 1944 and earned his BS degree from the University of Maryland in 1950. He proudly served active duty in the U.S. Army from 1944-1946 and 1951-1953 and then active Reserves from 1953-1979, retiring from the military in 1979 as a Lieutenant Colonel. During his military career, he was awarded the Purple Heart and Presidents 100 for his legendary marksmanship. Prior to his civilian retirement, he worked in manufacturing sales for BF Goodrich and Ethyl Corporation. He was a long-time resident of Laconia after moving to NH in 1975. Family members include 4 daughters and 3 grandsons.

From 2010 to 2012, he served as a State Representative from Belknap County…

Of course, as Grokster Steve already pointed out, “The New Democrat Party’s version of Civility” came out in Full Monty (in the worse possible meaning of the phrase).  But like a bad infomercial (“WAIT!  There’s MORE!), local Democrats decided to pile on even in death as their politics knows no boundaries (even to the afterlife – even though most polls show their belief levels are, well, not much).  To wit (the witless and apparently the heartless) retired Judge and NH State Rep David Huot  decided to enter Stage Left with an outrageous Letter to the Editor upon Bob’s death:

I can’t remember anything on which Bob Kingsbury and I ever agreed. Bob, however, was always a gentleman. He served his country honorably and bravely as an officer in the Army of the United States. He participated actively in the life of his community. Although some of us did not think it wise that a person with his views should serve in public office, he didn’t just sit around and complain, he voiced his views openly and honestly.

Bob Kingsbury will be remembered by a lot of people for a lot of things. Actually, that’s something to which we all should aspire.

Rest in Peace, Bob.

Rep. David O. Huot

Rest in Peace?  Such a send off – more of a good riddance!

Although some of us did not think it wise that a person with his views should serve in public office“. Even in death, Huot couldn’t resist the Progressive urge to stick the knife in and twist a kind, elderly man’s reputation.  To the last, even to a man he summarized as “ always a gentleman“, he could not resist the siren call to continuously smear those that differ from the Liberal mantra.

If only Huot had the internal civility that he granted that his political opponent actually possessed?

And certainly, Huot will always remember Bob under the meme of “those that disagree with my world view should NEVER be elected”. – as a hardcore Democrat, local Democrats could not see past his service to his country, putting his life on the line in one of WW II’s worst battles (Battle of the Bulge under General Patton) as an enlisted rifleman but can only be scorned for his political views (Bob was from the Libertarian wing of the Republican Party when elected).  Bob did believe in limited Government, that too much Government was bone crushing to the human spirit and that true Freedom was one where Government was kept at bay.  He FOUGHT for that ideal – and was willing to die in a cold, snowy forest in a foreign land thousands of miles from his hometown – for us as well as millions of people that Bob never met.  He fought for the ideal – that each and every man is free and sovereign – the essence of American Exceptionalism.

And Huot just spit on him in an insipid attack on the credibility of a true Patriot.

Good to know.  But this undefensible attitude is rampant in the Democrat Party towards, not just people on the other side of the aisle that simply have other ideas of how Government should behave, but to outright enemies of the State.  A little while ago, another local Democrat also “gaffed” (telling the truth by accident) – Lawyer and Belknap County Commissioner (and another seemingly possessing the “little man syndrome”) Ed Philpot surprised and then upset lots of people at a Belknap County Democrat Party  meeting back in July:

These are bad people looking to do bad things” declared Belknap County Commissioner Ed Philpot of Laconia, referring to what he called “the very extreme political element” within the Republican Party who have gained a commanding presence among the 18 members of the Belknap County House Delegation.

These people, he said “want to kill government, want government to go away

That wasn’t it all – he really looks at those on the other side of the aisle from him as not just opponents but EVIL people.  I know them – a group of Republicans that wish to have Government stay within a limited boundary but certainly not to have it go away:

  • That first serves the people, as civil servants and does not act like Civil Masters
  • Thinks of the taxpayer FIRST and then government somewhere down the line after that
  • That the budget that Philpot and the two (sadly) Republican Commissioners that required almost a 10%

In short, Conservatives that actually believe in Conservative philosophy and in the platform: frugal discipline, limited government, obeys the Constitution (heh!  Sound familiar?).  However, Philpot is of the ilk that believes that removing EVEN ONE DOLLAR, even one person less on the Government payroll, is an atrocity and an act against humanity. And of course

…Philpot likened those in the leadership of the delegation, on which the Republicans hold 13 of the 18 seats, to the radical faction of the GOP that has fomented partisan strife nationally.  and finding it difficult and expensive to succeed at the national and state levels, have turned to local government, where it “cheap, easy, and frankly where people are not paying attention”

“They are the tip of the spear here on the ground and where they are successful, like in Belknap County, they have every intention of screwing it up.  Think about what is happening here, he continued.  “This is not happening by accident.”

Nope, it’s not by accident – but you can blame yourselves for pushing people to the edge to the point where people who have never been involved in politics before decided enough was enough and started to push back.  That “partisan strife” is basically translated by us as “you don’t get a free ride anymore” (and that also goes for Establishment “go along to get along Republicans” too).

Harrell Kirstein (D), NH Democrat Party Spox as well as Organizing For Marx’s Legacy Obama America has continually has used maligning words towards those that maintain that turning away from a Government that is in each and every crack of Society’s life and intimate areas is a Government too big (and too expensive).  Extremist is his favorite word – it would fit given how far Left the NHDP has gone where they bow at the altar of Progressivism (where the Collective trumps the Individual, always).

Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL) is infamous for claiming that “The Republican health plan…the Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick” (video).

Joe Biden openly, Vice President of the United States, calls Republicans “Neanderthals” without a second thought.

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)  present US Minority Leader and former Speaker of the US House and Harry Reid (D-NV), Majority Leader of the US Senate both have disparaged Republicans of all stripes for years.  Just in the last couple of days, as the Continuing Resolution / Budget battle, they are doing the “minimizing shuffle” as they seek to start shaping the battlefield that all Republicans are anarchists that wish to kill off Government – all the while knowing they are lying through their teeth (I do have to give them a bit of credit as while the general public could care less the Political Class / Establishment Republicans have been knee-knocked for a while, all ready to be Quislings at the echo of a sour word).

No, I’m not surprised at all that Huot and Philpot constantly seek to minimize Republicans for the benefit of the general public – for it seems that their main argument is fear amongst those that depend on the check where Government is signing the front side.  That is their acquired constituency and they must be kept in line – and keep their ears shut as well.

Just can’t have any self-empowering ideas floating around that could catch hold, can they?

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