I don’t think Paul Ryan nor the NRCC get the irony in their own eblast

by Skip

” beat me, smear me, dirty tricks me, despise me, ostracize me “

I get inundated with eblasts from all kinds of groups including the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee – to elect Republicans to the US House) and most of them are trying to pry money out of my wallet (like running GraniteGrok is cost-free?).  But this line takes the cake:

    • President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are spending MILLIONS to smear conservatives in the 50 most critical races across the nation.

Bolding of conservatives is by me.  Heck, it hasn’t just been by the Dems, dudes, national level Republicans have acted in the exact same manner.  So did the Establishment Republicans here in NH; we’ve seen that deal before.  The most extreme example, once again, was done by NH State Senator Chuck Morse and NH State Senator Jeb Bradley in steering a ton of money to prop up two of their Insider Senate Circle that scarcely could be considered to be conservative: NH State Senator David “I was too drunk to know” Boutin and NH State Senator Nancy “There was no Supreme Court ruling to make Medicaid Expansion optional!” Stiles.  Tons of money for these two hacks in attacking their truly Conservative opponents whose only “political sin” was to actually take the NH GOP Platform seriously (as opposed to the propped up incumbents).

And the NRCC itself was known for doing similar stuff.  Yet, like here in NH, we see GOP apparatchiks trying to cloak themselves in verbiage that sounds good but giving a “don’t you never mind” to its back of the hand to the Conservative wing – to which it is now pleading for cash.  Heckava situation to have put yourself into – tick off the very people you need and THEN go “oh, money?”.

Yeah, beat me, smear me, dirty tricks me, despise me, ostracize me – yeah, that’ll make me wanna help out.  Sure, I’ll be a good little submissive and show my utter willingness to once again grovel at your collective brilliance and send you cash. My own Rule #1 prevents me from unloading on these jerks that having pushed away its base, now realize that there is a real reason why they have a base.  But, having violated the “Consistency breeds Trust yields Votes” (and in this case, money) truism, they go for broke and seemingly are reaching into thin air.  But they aren’t the only ones that hate their base.

Jeb Bradley hates conservatives and the  Liberty & Freedom wing of the NH GOP.  I know, I know – I fell for the hook, line, and sinker in thinking that when he ran for NH Senate in the special election after Shea-Porter beat his butt, it really did look like he had “learned his lesson” from being part of the moderates in the US House.  His past wasn’t all that convincing but we thought “less worse” than the Democrat “Bathroom Bud” Martin.  So, we “settled” and worked our butts off to help him win- and now we have Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion here in NH because of him.

How much worse could Martin have been?  Boy, were we stupid and I consider it a “need a time machine moment” event.  Bradley has served up, with Medicaid Expansion, a package that has broken, pretty much, every plank in the Platform.  Bill O’Brien saved NH from a broad based tax from the time bomb that the Dems left for him.  Now, Bradley has played the role of Dems as you can bet your bottom dollar that IF the NH Senate is still held by the Rs when the 3 years run out on this legislation, and Bradley and Morse are still seated, I’m pretty sure that they will NOT vote to let it expire – they lack the cajones to make such a stand.  You can’t be that high up in NH politics and be that stupid to not know what the ramifications are of their actions.

But now, they are running scared (or is that smug with knowing that they can rule the rubes by convincing them “Oh, things have changed!  We realize the error of our ways”.  Look, work with us and we’ll give your L&F candidates money (back to the NH Senate Republican Majority PAC again).  Heck, we’ll even partner with your “liked minded” folks in money raising – even steven, even!

I have now hear this from about a dozen people that these outreach efforts being extended by the Establishment are getting awful long on promises.  My take?  MY, aren’t these so really close to the General Election, ain’t they.  All hot and heavy in the “come, sit at our table”!

Problem is, if this was really a set of sincere actions, why didn’t we see this well ahead of the Primaries?  Why now, other than they see the high level races here in NH going south for their candidates?  That they see the folks that they just spent months telling “you’re not needed – or wanted” now very much needed – at least (like EVERY CYCLE BEFORE THIS) on November 6.  Given, for example, my track record with Bradley, I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him (and with two herniated disks, that isn’t very far).

But he and his Insider buds they have believed that the average Republican voter will…and obviously, a large number of L&F activists as well.  I’m hearing and seeing a whole lot of “HEY, THEY’RE PROMISING THIS, and that, and some other things”!  Gosh, there’s gonna be a whole lot of disappointed folks a couple weeks after the election when they start realizing they’ve been had.  Have already had the promised told to me – and broken.  I suppose that others are gonna get shafted this time around…once again….shame, that.

Oh, and I have another story from the last cycle about what Jeb did to another Republican NH Senate candidate he didn’t “approve” of….later

Here’s the NRCC email:


I was just at a meeting with our national campaign team and wanted to loop you in to the discussion.

Here’s the latest with only 38 days to go before the Election:

  • President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are spending MILLIONS to smear conservatives in the 50 most critical races across the nation.
  • Powered by the President’s massive fundraising network, the liberals are now more than $27 MILLION ahead of us this cycle.
  • We need 812 more members before the major end of quarter deadline to meet our goal.

This means we are in a challenging spot if we want to protect the House Majority and win back the Senate—but we still have time to turn things around.

But to do that, we need you to step up and contribute $100, $50, or $25 before the end of the month.

If we reach our goal by the end of quarter deadline, it will send shock waves across the nation and show everyone how strong our grassroots support is.

With 3 days until the FINAL FEC end of quarter deadline, please don’t wait any longer—contribute right now.

Thank you for your support.

Paul Ryan



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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