Tis’ the season for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Every Democrat is “hanging” one on their Yule shrub, Frost Fest Focal Point, or maybe we can add it to the Festivus celebration – the airing of grievances part. A commemorative quid-pro-quo ornament.
Related: New Hampshire Democrats Love Quid Pro Quos
Complete with a commemorative copy of the articles of impeachment. Not that those are going to get very far. But like I said, Tis’ the season. So let’s not leave anyone behind.
Yes, Joe Biden and his son Hunter (Paul Pelosi, Chris Heinz, and others) all have some skin in the quid pro quo game. But none of them is a Republican or president. But we do have a previous president who has some fresh quid pro quo cred that appears to rise above anything Trump is even imagined to have done.
Obama gave Pearson Publishing $350 million to create Commoncore text and Pearson gave Obama a $65 million dollar book deal in return.
He laundered three-hundred-and-fifty million of your dollars into sixty-five million for himself, just on this one deal. I’m sure there are others.
Does it matter?
This is the same Obama Administration that gave the okay for the Biden billion-dollar quid pro quo, so 65 million doesn’t seem like much. It’s not even worth digging out of the couch cushion in a Congressional Budget lounge. But to the 99% that’s not just real money, it is “never has to think about it again” money.
American Thinker has more on Barry-O.
That sounds like a classic bribe. You give me this big contract, and I’ll kick back some to you at a later date. Chicago Way. The book cash flowed to Obama in 2017. Pearson, incidentally, seemed to lose money anyway, given the public distaste for Obama’s federal takeover of education via Common Core, which extended to states cutting the program.
President Trump complained about the apparent quid pro quo last summer.
It’s not the first time Obama has done things like this, either. IWB notes that Obama’s net neutrality stance benefited Netflix, and surprise, surprise, he got a lucrative deal with Netflix, too.
One hand washes the other.
Will we ever know every dirty deal under Obama’s tenure? Probably not. We barely got news of the ones uncovered while he was in office. I’m not expecting anyone (anytime soon) to flip on the Bamster and unload all his laundry in public. But that would be fun.
For now, “Yule” have to console yourself with this latest scandal as the DC laundromat continues to deliver dirt on Democrat money laundering operations under Obama’s watch.