Mao Suites Historical photo

Virus Socialism Update: Masks Have Become America’s Mao Suits

The mantra “We Need to Increase Testing™” was always about scaring people. The more “infections” you report, the easier it is to keep the economy down. And Democrats want the economy kept down. But they want something else even more.

Mao Suites Historical photo

This Transgender Business Has Only One Logical Conclusion – “Mao Suits”

Gender neutrality ought to mean you are not taking sides, but that’s not how this works. You have to take a side and guess which one it is? The left side. So, pay attention as we get a peek into the liberal mind, care of a #woke school in the UK.

GrokTALK! May 31st, 2014 School lunch, Mao Suits, and Chris P. Bacon

The first segment is a free for all, so we’ve got Centrally Planned School lunch fall out, Mao suits, and then Grok Commenter Chris P. Bacon calls in to pile on about the intolerant left, California gun laws, how the media just makes stuff up,  reminiscing about, and the climate in the Golden State. … Read more

GrokSHOT! – School Lunch Mao Suits

Kids, cafeteria managers, Parents, and even school officials are rebelling against centrally planned lunch menus that cost more, taste less, leave kids hungry, and fill up landfills.  Yet that is what the ‘experts decree.  Makes you wonder how we were so successful before they came along and ‘fixed it?’ (Note to progressives: Danger – There … Read more

Red guard reading Maos red book

Mao Would Be Proud: Maine School’s Student “Civil Rights Team” More Like “Rainbow Guard”

One of the features of Mao’s communist cultural revolution was student zealots (Reg Guard) willing to rat out anyone from teachers to neighbors to their own parents. Anyone who dares to contradict Mao or his tenets. Modern America has that too.

Mao Suites Historical photo

As Australia Considers Clothing Regulations (To Save The Planet), Who Doesn’t See Where “This” is Leading?

According to people who think this sort of thing matters, the fashion industry produces more emissions than international flights and maritime shipping combined. According to a climate minister down under, the solution is to launder money from clothing makers (consumers) into government programs.

Genderbread person

Genderbred Person Pops up In Local NH Middle School – Time to Check Yours?

It’s beginning to look a lot like the transgender agenda “genderbread” person is a more common part of Middle School life than just the school in Rhode Island I wrote about yesterday.

Durable fabrics (burlap) original Photo by Thomas Thompson on Unsplash

Clothing Control Freaks: Recyclable Social Justice Fabrics are The Latest Fascist Fashion

The Latest Leftist fascism appears to focus on fashion. The micro-fiber-management of material used to make clothing. The current arrangements are (apparently) unsustainable, and the same experts who’ve mucked up everything else are turning their evil eye on the garment industry.

words letters language

Another Inclusive University Language Guide For Dummies

Deconstructing language is at the center of unraveling culture. Teach them to speak as you do, and before long, they are you. But why would you want to be them?

mother breatfeeding out doors park tree

Experts Want You to Call Breastfeeding Chestfeeding ‘cuz “Fathersmilk” or Something.

The #woke-a-saurus will come for it, whatever it is, and it has come for lactating moms. The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) has raised the white flag, declaring that it will henceforth (except in countries where that flag may not fly) stop calling it what it is.


Eric Clapton on C-19 and Va**ines – “Where are All The Rebels?”

The complete collapse of curiosity and anti-establishment ‘ethics’ (for lack of a better term) is one of the watershed moments in hippie history. They grew up and became the establishment with the help of true Marxists and turned anti-establishment chic into doing you as you are told or else chic.


Mr. Sununu, a True Republican Would be Repulsed by What You’ve Done

His Majesty Chris Sununu (Peace be upon him) got some airtime on the Collusion News Network (CNN). Given his recent antics, it’s the best place for him. Endless Emergency Orders and now anti-gun rhetoric. Maybe he has a future there. Until then, let’s deal with this.


Democrat Hot Mic: Stupid Masks and Political Theater

In Act II, Scene 2, Hamlet plots to reveal his Uncle’s treachery by adding some lines into a play. “I’ll have grounds; More relative than this—the play’s the thing; Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King.”

jim jordan

The Other Election Question that Really Matters – “Who do you think can stand up to the mob?”

As we creep inexorably toward a November reckoning, I’ve been working what I thought was a critical narrative. The economy. Who can fix it? We know Biden can’t, and we know Trump can. But, Rep. Jim Jordan has eloquently defined the other critical question for November.

mental health anxiety pshchitzophrenia

Prof. Says, Zoom Meetings Are Loaded with Unconscious Bias and Micro-Aggressions?

When you let mentally insane individuals create a curriculum for the mentally insane, you get experts in this. Michigan State Professor Warns of “Unconscious Bias” and “Microaggressions” in Virtual Meetings. Did anyone tell the professor that pointing out unconscious Bias is based?

“The inconvenient truth is that transwomen are male…”

A Transwoman Science Teacher from Britain has come out and said transwomen are male. “The inconvenient truth is that transwomen are male, and — as a group — we present the same hazard that men present.”

victorias secret

Cultural Revolution Claims Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show as Next Victim

The once very popular Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show has been mothballed. Another victim of the left’s bi-polar culture war. One in which children are encouraged to watch a nearly naked homosexual parade but adults should not watch beautiful women parading in lingerie and wings.

Mao Suits

(Once) Prestigious University Bans “Clapping and Cheering” Because It’s Discriminatory

In the interest of finding new avenues to social justice stupidity, the once-great University in Oxford, England, has a new rule. There will be no clapping (applause) or cheering as a show of support or enthusiasm at their Student Council meetings because it is not inclusive.

Feminine bed girl woman roses

Trans Man Complains – Feminine Hygiene Products are ‘Very Female Oriented’

A Transman YouTuber is miffed. The biological woman, who has been taking testosterone for seven years so she can look like a man, thinks feminine hygiene products are too feminine.

race girls track

Brookline Democrat Solves Problem with Boys Being Better at Girls Sports – De-emphasize Competition

Imagine there’s no more athletic competition. It isn’t hard to do. No more girls whining about boys beating them in their sporting events. Liberals wouldn’t have to explain it away like Brookline, NH Democrat Town Committee Chair Robert Rushton.