(Once) Prestigious University Bans “Clapping and Cheering” Because It’s Discriminatory

In the interest of finding new avenues to social justice stupidity, the once-great University in Oxford, England, has a new rule. There will be no clapping (applause) or cheering as a show of support or enthusiasm at their Student Council meetings because it is not inclusive.

In place of this, they recommend the British Sign Language equivalent of Jazz Hands. Piers Morgan, who has increasingly become a voice of sanity in the culture war, noted that,

Demanding the growing of ‘A pair’ would be sexist, misogynist – triggering who knows how many – so, Oxford won’t be doing any of that. But he’s correct.

The left has stuffed itself down so many of these rabbit holes that there is nowhere to go where they won’t trigger someone about something — a culture where no one can do anything for fear of offending another person.

There’s it right to not be offended, especially where free speech and expression are concerned. At least not in America – though the left is doing its darndest to make it so.

So, it’s Jazz Hands. Are there warnings for anyone prone to seizures that they might be exposed to sudden and unavoidable motions by a room full of hands that might cause them medical distress?

That’ll be addressed at the next meeting. The one where they denounce fashion inequality and make the natural progressions to sitting silently and expressionless in Mao Suits. 

And not everyone has straight white teeth, so no smiling.

| Hot Air


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