A Transman YouTuber is miffed. The biological woman, who has been taking testosterone for seven years so she can look like a man, thinks feminine hygiene products are too feminine.
Boo frikkin’ hoo.
The “problem” wasn’t a problem until Raines had to switch drug treatments. The change resulted in her body doing what women’s bodies do. Menstruate. While ‘he’ seems happy looking like a man, beard and all, the need to address the inconvenient needs of his biological body are an issue.
[Jamie] Raines … lamented the branding of feminine hygiene products as being “very female orientated,”
Damned capitalism! Marketing sorcery! Appealing to people most likely to buy your product. How dare you?
You know, if the makers of Axe have been looking for an opportunity to break into the feminine care business, this might be their opportunity.
Craft packaging that looks like steel with rivets. Flames on the box? MAXX-MAXI’s. Offers to win NASCAR tickets. Old Spice won’t be far behind.
Wait a minute, wouldn’t that be sexist?
I think the solution is Mao suits. The ministry of Menstruation mitigation. A government takeover of the industry and generic gray boxes with plain text. Hey, New Hampshire crammed an unconstitutional mandate down on every school district in the state. They forced them to buy and provide them to students, regardless of how they want their body to look.
Why not save poor Jamie from ‘his’ embarrassing predicament. One that just about every married man has probably “suffered” at one point or another.
Staring at the scribbled text on a yellow post-it. Slump-shouldered before a wall of pink and blue packages covered in a strange foreign language that only biological women (who want to be women) seem to understand.
How unfair.
Image: Something else that is very feminine. Women.