Democrat Hot Mic: Stupid Masks and Political Theater

In Act II, Scene 2, Hamlet plots to reveal his Uncle’s treachery by adding some lines into a play. “I’ll have grounds; More relative than this—the play’s the thing; Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King.”

Related: Virus Socialism Update: Masks Have Become America’s Mao Suits

In the age of the open or Hot Mic, altering the entertainment to elicit a guilty response is turned on its head. The play is the thing that keeps the peasants living in fear and their abuse of power unchallenged.

From Pelosi to Feinstein to ‘Peacefulprotests, to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and Representative Wendy Ullman, “caught on a hot mic giggling about the “political theater,” they were about to partake in at a press conference.”


Wolf is heard telling Ullman he’s going to take off his mask to speak while Ullman responds that she’s going to keep hers on for the cameras to make sure people see her in it. “I’m waiting so we can do a little political theater,” she says, laughing. “So, it’s on camera!”


Pay it no mind, peasants!


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