Grok Voice of New England

Granite Grok Passes the Concord Monitor in Alexa Online Rankings

The last time we formally compared our Alexa Online ranking to other digital footprints in New Hampshire GraniteGrok was sixth on our list. That was last September, right after we launched Grok 3.0. Since then we’ve been caught up in the process of getting all the backend (and some front end) details squared away. I wasn’t really … Read more

GraniteGrok Improves to Eighth Place in Alexa NH Media Rankings

Twenty-Two days ago I announced a Grok ‘Resolution’ of sorts. Our effort to overtake the Keene Sentinel in Alexa’s US Rankings. Everyone needs goals, right? I’m happy to report that we’ve made some progress. The Berlin Daily Sun, which was between the Keene Sentinel and us is no longer in our way (at least for now). … Read more

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Grok Straw Poll: Who is your pick for NH Governor?

The last poll about “who might be a good NH Governor was kinda all over the place with all those names, kinda amusing, I had fun with it, and a wee bit illustrative of how you, dear readers, are looking at people, politics, and positions.  We haven’t been doing a lot of polls lately but … Read more

Next step sign mountains climb

What’s the Next Level For

We appreciate the time you spend with us. Your comments, tips, leads, and links (even though we can only get to a fraction of them), are invaluable. But we are looking for the next step. What can we do to elevate the experience?

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Shout out to Tony at Patch – thanks for including GraniteGrok!

Tony Shinella runs a number of the PATCH.COM sites here in NH; in addition to reading us, try them as well as he is trying to do local stuff that the regular papers miss. However, this time, he did a really deep dive on this cycle’s Presidential Primary and it really is worth your time. … Read more