is the #1 Digital Print-Media Site in New Hampshire!

I am proud to announce that as of this morning, has passed the Union Leader in Alexa Online Ranking. We are New Hampshire’s Number One!

Site Name (Sorted by US Rank) US Rank Global Rank
GraniteGrok 12,170 112,462
Union leader 14,118 62,424
Seacoast Online 27,141 121,073
Fosters Daily Democrat 27,534 151,137
Concord Monitor 28,175 134,552

Thanks to everyone for your continued support. And we’re going to need it. If we want to be New Hampshire’s number one Online Media destination we’ve got much bigger fish to catch. 

Assuming these number hold, and the trends look good, I promised a new list. A new challenge working our way toward WMUR. 

Site Name (Sorted by US Rank) US Rank Global Rank
WMUR 6,494 35,518

We’ll enjoy our current digital print-media victory, for now, but not alone.  I am pleased to report that other sites on the right are enjoying a summer surge of their own.

NH Journal and Libertyblock NH have both pushed forward into spots six and seven respectively. Girard at Large and School Choice NH have also improved since our last full report in early June. Great news for Conservatarians across the state and the region.

Site Name (Sorted by US Rank) US Rank Global Rank
GraniteGrok 12,170 112,462
Union leader 14,118 62,424
Seacoast Online 27,141 121,073
Fosters Daily Democrat 27,534 151,137
Concord Monitor 28,175 134,552
NH Journal 33,231 221,940
Liberty Block 33,792 281,770
NHPR 35,952 146,775
Laconia Daily Sun 55,231 279,444
Keene Sentinel 74,199 249,728
Nashua Telegraph 69,504 302,289
Conway/Berlin Daily Sun 91,287 343,745
Manchester Ink Link 99,727 294,545
Girard at Large 216,856 1,721,459
School Choice for NH 246,852 1,721,459
InDepthNH 253,379 1,100,428
Free Keene 271,203 770,825
Josiah Bartlett no data 1,835,434
Cornerstone no data 2,346,376
CNHT no data 2,446,505
Granite State Taxpayers no data 3,144,923

Make sure to give them a shout-out and your continued support. We have another full session of Democrat majority legislative dumpster fire headed our way. The first in the nation primary will soon be upon us. So, Democrats are getting an excessive amount of media attention.

Which probably explains why we’re doing so well.

Update: Removed any links WordPress added on its own. We are not linking to every site so it only seems fair to not link to any.

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