What’s the Next Level For GraniteGrok.com?

We appreciate the time you spend with us. Your comments, tips, leads, and links (even though we can only get to a fraction of them), are invaluable. But we are looking for the next step. What can we do to elevate the experience?

Related: GraniteGrok Reclaims #1 Spot in Alexa OnLine Digital Print Media Rankings in NH

The Dem trolls are typing ‘prison’ as quickly as possible, and given the current intolerance for any political opinion (that is not theirs), this is not an unrealistic outcome. We were hoping to avoid that, but if free speech will be a ticket to the pokey, how might we better express it to grow the number of people who notice when we get arrested (sued, or whatever)? Or, not.

More or fewer op-eds? More or fewer press releases? Add some short podcasts and audio interviews. Get more local content. Get more national content: more video or video interviews.

Produce and publish weekly or predictable audio or video content (like a scheduled broadcast).

Stream live events (even if it’s from a cell phone).

Make the mobile experience easier so you can find and share our content (we are building an app, for example).

Improve search or navigation.

Add or improve the calendar (for events and other activities in the Conservatarian community).

Reboot Grok Meet up’s virtual or in-person.

You can pick as many as you like or add more (in comments), including prison. We appreciate honesty.

As a reminder, the goal is to elevate the experience and the website to the point where we’re not just sharing first place (back and forth) with the Union Leader’s online presence but kicking its RINO ass.

If you don’t or can’t comment here, you can email us.


And finally,  if your idea will cost us some money, are you willing to pitch in or help fundraise for that?

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