“Winning is only a precursor; what you do afterwards is most important. Let Chris Sununu ponder upon that before signing the latest Bathroom Bill HB1319

Governor Sununu, apparently, doesn’t like that line in so much.  His exact quote is “Winning is everything.”  I guess the “the means justify…” something or other. If you don’t have a purpose, it doesn’t matter, I guess.  It’s like that old phrase “if you don’t know where yer goin’, it doesn’t matter what road you … Read more

Breaking: Gov. Chris Sununu signs HB1319 – the newest Bathroom Bill

So Governor Chris Sununu just told his Conservative and Faith-Based base to buzz off.  You just told those that brung you to the dance that you’re in love with another.  OK, buzz off we shall – like a buzzsaw.  You asked we’ll deliver. Good to know, good to know.  I’m betting now that Aaron Day is … Read more

Just A Reminder To Gov. Sununu About What HB1319 Will Do If He Signs It…

A few Articles of interest here.

Maybe Chris Sununu Can Get Re-Elected if He Signs HB1319, But What About Everyone Else?

I don’t get out a lot these days, but Thursday night (at the invitation of another) I ventured over to the Atkinson Country Club for the Rockingham County Republican Committee Washington – Lincoln – Reagan (Founders) dinner. It was good to see and be seen. The food was delicious and the keynote speaker, Carly Fiorina, … Read more

Sununu Thought He Was Integrating Lunch Counters but He Was Stripping Away the Privacy and Safety of Women

I gave testimony this week in support of New Hampshire bill HB396 to protect women’s spaces and sports. This is my testimony.

Gov Chris Sununu

It’s Time for Another Episode of, Sununu Said …

Fresh off yesterday’s edition of “Sununu Said,” where he asked candidates not to make it personal with Trump, we’ve got another example. Governor Sununu and a dozen legislative energy apostles signed a letter to Robert Ludlow, the CFO at ISO New England.

Emily Tressa - Transgender Kid

New Hampshire Boy Celebrated for Having His Genitals Surgically Removed

Back in 2018, we watched 16-year-old NH resident Emily Tressa testify in support of NH’s bathroom bill HB1319 which gives males access to female private spaces such as women’s locker rooms and restrooms.

Save Women's Sports flag

Mayor Claims to Support Women’s Rights but He Doesn’t Know What a Woman Is

Yesterday, we raised the 19th amendment flag on the Citizen Flag Pole on Nashua City Hall Plaza and I wrote this to commemorate the occasion.

I’m in a Hulu Documentary Fighting for Women’s Sex-Based Rights

In 2018, Gov. Chris Sununu signed HB1319, the “Bathroom Bill” into law, It forces New Hampshire businesses to allow men who identify as women to use their women’s restrooms, changing rooms, and locker rooms.

Local Man Who Lobbied for Access to Female Spaces Pleads Guilty to Child Sex Abuse

Massachusetts Question #3 was a 2018 ballot referendum to repeal the Massachusetts law which allows men who claim to be women to use women’s public restrooms and locker rooms. Voting “Yes” was in support of keeping the law.

Betty Gay of Salem Does Not Deserve Re-Election

Betty Gay of Salem is running in the Republican primary for state representative in Salem and she does not deserve to be re-elected.


So kids, what did we learn from Thursday’s House Session (03/12/20-03/13/20)?

We learned that House Minority Republicans have stamina and wisdom. They made certain that the work of the NH House got done for the people of NH and for the constituents that they serve.  They corrected the course of mismanagement of time and workload that was dealt to us by the House Majority Democrats who … Read more

Apparently, Vicki Schwaegler didn’t like the information I included in rejecting the Biomass veto effort

That would be here due to the news that she actively politicking on overriding Gov. Sununu’s veto override on SB 365 and SB 446 instead of recusing herself from the efforts due to her family’s landholding. I was told that she decided to run again (originally she wasn’t) in no small amount due to getting the … Read more

Republican elected officials demanding overrides on SB 365 and 446 so that taxpayers have to pay more

So why are NH State Senators Bob Guida and Kevin Avard (among others, like Jeb Bradley – and hasn’t he monkey’d with our electrical enough to realize what a total hash he’s made of it?) throwing mains pillars of the Platform into a woodchipper? From the NH Constitution: [Art.] 2. [Natural Rights.] All men have certain … Read more

“I’m so angry that he put us in this situation. I’m in no mood to help him right now.”

That from an ally over NH Gov. Chris Sununu signing HB1319, the latest Bathroom Bill (aka “today I feel like a women even without the lady bits so I’m going into the ladies room”) and HB587 (gotta let gays be gays and no talking them out of it) which is a sop to the gay lobby … Read more

“Man” in NH allegedly peered at 12-year-old girl over changing room wall

The headline reads, “Man in NH allegedly peered at 12-year-old girl over changing room wall.” How do they know s/he’s a man? How dare they even assume, given that it is an act of discrimination in this state? Eric Muldowney, 30 of Somerville, Massachusetts, was charged with violation of privacy and simple assault, according to WMUR in … Read more

Quick Thought: HB 1319 – asked and answered

As to Gov. Chris “Supporting the Democrat Agenda Identity Group politics against the NH GOP” in signing HB1319, I was asked earlier today: Where do you stand? Answer:  It demands coerced speech and behavior from those that do not believe that a man can simply announce that he is a woman and MUST refer to … Read more

NH Dems to Sununu on Advancing Their Political Priorities – Sorry, But It’s Not Enough

There is no shortage of exposition on this blog site about the wasted effort on the part of Socially liberal Republicans to appease the left. This penchant culminated Friday when the Governor ‘quietly’ signed two bills that advance the Left’s cultural Marxist agenda putting rank and file Republican reelections at risk and by extension Gov. Sununu’s as well. … Read more

Compelled Leadership = Our Government for Sale

By Ken Eyring NH is open for business. But not like you may think. When (then) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was campaigning to “sell” the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to the American people, she said, “We have to pass the Bill to see what’s in it.” She wasn’t kidding. The ACA contained many … Read more

Too Bad Frank Edelblut Won’t Run For Governor This Year…

Originally posted May 11th, 2018 In 2016 Mr. Sununu barely survived a primary win against Frank Edelblut. Gov. Sununu offered a job as the state commissioner of Education to Frank, and he may be the best one we’ve had in decades. So we can give Chris credit for listening when someone tells him what might be a smart move … Read more