Compelled Leadership = Our Government for Sale


Sununu HB1319By Ken Eyring

NH is open for business. But not like you may think.

When (then) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was campaigning to “sell” the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to the American people, she said, “We have to pass the Bill to see what’s in it.” She wasn’t kidding. The ACA contained many unknowns. It was vaguely written and delegated the specifics and interpretations of the law to be defined by unelected bureaucrats AFTER Obamacare became law. The rest is history.

With the ideological Transgender “Bathroom Bill” HB1319, New Hampshire’s “Republican” Governor, Chris Sununu, is modeling his leadership after Democrat Speaker Pelosi.

HB1319 creates a special class of transgender citizens under the guise of providing special protections that are already available under our US and NH Constitutions and current law. The Bill has reached Governor Sununu’s desk for his signature and he knows that,

  1. The Bill was not thought through.
  2. That there are unintended consequences.
  3. That unelected bureaucrats will inject their personal ideologies into the implementation of the law.
  4. And that those unelected bureaucrats will include representatives from the special interest groups that pushed for this law to gain enhanced Rights for themselves at the expense of the rest of us…(especially women and girls).

The Governor has said he will sign the Bill because he wants to be re-elected. He said, “he can’t win” (his words) if he doesn’t kowtow to the special interests who represent a small percentage of NH Citizens.

He won’t say no to the special interest groups with in-state and out-of-state funding that have “compelled” him to ignore his concerns that this Bill is severely flawed and unnecessary. Governor Sununu lacks the character to uphold his promise to voters during his campaign (view 29:13 of this debate).

Under Governor Sununu, that’s how lawmaking now works in NH. When our laws are for sale, we no longer have a free society.

I voted for the Governor in 2016, but if he signs HB1319, I will never vote for him again. There are many more who feel the same.

I want my fellow Windham residents to know that Windham Rep. Charlie McMahon was a key sponsor and strong supporter of House Bill 1319.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ken Eyring

Learn more about HB1319


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