They Like to Try to Weaponize Our Morality Against Us

Kurt Schlichter has invested some time to help the peeps deal with progressive mic-drop rubbish designed to prevent debate or silence dissent. He calls them obnoxious liberal argument cheats. And he’s got a reliable answer for each that I’ve advocated for years. So read them all. But I wanted to share at least one of … Read more

Is This The Ladies Room? …

Stop HB1319 Also Related: The point is not that transgenders might be predatory…

Trans Woman ADMITS They are REDEFINING ‘Woman’ with Gender Identity Legislation

I’ve been saying it for months and proving it out with factual evidence but apparently that hasn’t been good enough for some Republican men OR New Hampshire’s male Republican Governor. The goal of House Bill 1319 (HB 1319) aka ‘Gender Identity’ legislation, is to change the definition of woman in public policy and under the … Read more

From Cornerstone Action: The Gender Bills Are On You, Governor Sununu

By Cornerstone: Chris Sununu is no victim. He is a man of purpose and intention. It took such a person to wrest control of the State House from the Democrats who had held the corner office for so long. And now, as he is poised to sign destructive legislation on gender, he and his surrogates … Read more

Let me amplify what Steve said for the Stupid Party that fails to listen to its own base

Scott Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Walt Haverstein; remember them? Sometimes, Steve buries the really good stuff at the bottom of his posts – let me haul a good nibblet from his latest post up from the deep (emphasis mine): So, after Gov. Sununu signs HB1319, which we hear he has promised the local actors for the … Read more

NH Republicans Decide The Hill to Die on is Letting Men Use the Ladies Room

Why are the illuminated Establishment political lights in the NHGOP and GOP, several of whom should know better, pitching a cultural Marxist progressive issues “tent” in front of legislators and elected Republican Delegates when the electorate is more interested in expanding jobs, protecting tax reform, economic growth, and national security issues with a local impact like the opioid … Read more

Lack of Character in the Corner Office

By Ken Eyring George Washington was a reluctant, selfless first President.  He put his personal life on hold to serve as our nation’s first leader.  He could have served as America’s President for life but didn’t.  Having fought for the Rights and virtues that were written in the Declaration of Independence, and subsequently, in our … Read more

“a bridge too far”

By Jeff Chidester “Republican Gov. Chris Sununu said he will sign the recently passed bill” – The public accommodation provision (of HB1319) was a bridge too far for me and many others. Shame on those that could not support a commonsense measure that would have respected the right of privacy. This is not about equality, but … Read more

Too Bad Frank Edelblut Won’t Run For Governor This Year

In 2016 Mr. Sununu barely survived a primary win against Frank Edelblut. Gov. Sununu offered a job as the state commissioner of Education to Frank, and he may be the best one we’ve had in decades. So we can give Chris credit for listening when someone tells him what might be a smart move for him politically. That’s important … Read more

Sorry NH Women but some Republican Men say ‘F**K Your Feelings’

Last week Republican MEN decided to pass House Bill 1319 (HB 1319) aka the Gender Identity bill in order to allow biological men who ‘feel’ like women to gain access to women-only sex-segregated spaces. Apparently, the feelings of these biological men are far more important than the women whose spaces they will be allowed to … Read more

Where So-Called “Trans Rights” May Violate Title IX

New Hampshire is on the verge of denying rights to people under the pretense of providing them. The Trans bill sailed through the House under the cover of giving something to a class of persons what they already had under existing law. Rights they’ve been exercising all along. In the process, the Legislature has handed … Read more

Millionaire Pushing ‘Gender Identity’ Bill in NH Wants to ‘Punish’ Anyone Who Disagrees

Next week, the New Hampshire Senate will be voting on House Bill 1319 (HB 1319), AN ACT prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity. The legislation was voted “Inexpedient To Legislate” and to “Interim Study” by the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 24th. This legislation was defeated last year by the New Hampshire House of Representatives … Read more

Stop Legislative Effort to Discriminate Against Girls and Women in New Hampshire

One of the many bills before the New Hampshire legislature this year loaded with (presumably) unintended consequences is HB1319 (Find archived articles here and here). This bill, sold as Act prohibiting discrimination based on gender is entirely unnecessary so the goal must be something other than its stated purpose because it will enshrine other (unpleasant) things that are not … Read more

Senate Hearing for Gender Identity Bill, HB 1319: Monday, April 16, 1:30 p.m.

By Cornerstone via Email Update Important Reminders! Gender Identity Bill Hearing Tomorrow, Monday, April 16 Tell Your Senator to Vote No on Therapy Ban Bill Senate Hearing for Gender Identity Bill, HB 1319: Monday, April 16, 1:30 p.m. Supporters of “gender identity” policy are deeply committed to passing HB 1319, a flawed and dangerous bill. … Read more

NH House Votes to End Sex-Based Legal Protections for Women

Today, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted to pass House Bill 1319 (HB 1319), AN ACT prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity. The legislation was pushed based on the absolute lie that trans people don’t have the same protections against discrimination as everyone else in the state. The out-of-state organization who pushed this legislation, … Read more

Cornerstone Legislative Update

By Steve’s In-Box Tell your Senator NO on Assisted Suicide Senate Bill 490’s title says it’s about studying end of life choices. The testimony of the chief sponsor, Sen. Martha Hennessey, said something else: the bill is a step toward bringing an assisted suicide law to New Hampshire. Read Cornerstone’s full statement about SB 490. The Senate will be voting … Read more

‘Gender Identity’ Bill Turns NH Women into Second Class Citizens

As early as next week, the “Gender Identity” bill, also known as the “Trans Bill” or “Bathroom Bill,” could be voted on by the Judiciary Committee in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. House Bill 1319 (HB 1319), AN ACT prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity, is based on the lie that trans people don’t … Read more

Why did NHPR Leave out the ‘Sex’?

Todd Bookman, writing for New Hampshire Public Radio, left something out of his report on HB1319. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Ed Butler (D- Harts Location) modifies RSA 354: A to include a definition of transgender and adds the words “gender identity” in the statute in twenty-nine places. That’s how many times the law lists those things … Read more