It’s Time for Another Episode of, Sununu Said …

Fresh off yesterday’s edition of “Sununu Said,” where he asked candidates not to make it personal with Trump, we’ve got another example. Governor Sununu and a dozen legislative energy apostles signed a letter to Robert Ludlow, the CFO at ISO New England.

ISO New England manages the electric grid for the region, and the letter’s signatories believe it has made a decision that will have consequences for ratepayers.


We write with concern related to the request made by five New England states to create an executive-level environmental justice position at ISO New England. Although New Hampshire believes that ISO New England should be well-staffed to fulfill its functions, such a position would represent a wasteful expense to accommodate policy goals that fall outside of ISO New England’s mandate.’

New England must strive to achieve a reliable and affordable energy economy. We cannot lose our focus in order to accommodate policy choices designed to compel progressive societal change.


This makes for interesting reading coming from the desk of Chris Sununu. Therapists in New Hampshire can’t counsel gender-confused kids (or anyone, for that matter) who want to be their biological sex. It would violate a law that prohibits conversion therapy. Not to put too fine a point on it, but isn’t all therapy in some form about conversion? From a state of mind, you find troubling to one at which you feel at peace?

Not when gender confusion is involved. That would violate state law, but putting a gag on therapists and denying them the right to treat patients in a manner that is best for them doesn’t classify as a policy choice designed to compel progressive societal change.

That’s precisely what that is.

Related: Breaking: Gov. Chris Sununu signs HB1319 – the newest Bathroom Bill

Don’t get me wrong, I agree with the thrust of the letter to ISO New England, and I appreciate why everyone signed on. Increased salary burden aside, the presence of social justice clowns in any organization will increase costs across the board, which will be piled onto ratepayers, many of whom are already suffering under the abuse of the Biden economy. My issue is with our Woke governor’s hypocrisy.


Unfortunately, we are afraid that we are heading down a path of only paying lip service to electric reliability and affordability while aggressively pursuing cost-raising environmental justice policies and carbon taxes.


Any emphasis on Social Justice interventionism will have a negative impact, but that truth applies to everything, everywhere, all the time. If you oppose its negative fiscal impact at ISO New England, you’d best start dismantling them in your state government. And while you’re at it, if energy prices and ratepayers are a priority, stop saying you’d support rate-price-hiking boondoggles like offshore wind.



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