Why Hasn’t Jeff Woodburn Denounced Ray Buckley: Dem Chair Called his Constituents White Supremacists

New Hampshire Democrats need to decide if they agree with Democrat State Party Chair Raymond Buckley? Are most New Hampshire voters White Supremacists or not? In response to this new organization reaching out to disaffected (rural) voters, Ray Buckley, chair of the New Hampshire Democrat Party, former DNC Vice Chair and former candidate for chair … Read more

THROWBACK THURSDAY – That Time WMUR Called Trump Voters White Supremacists

I wrote this back in September, 2017:   Ray Buckley -Chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat Party- was recently taken to task, and deservedly so, for referring to disaffected voters who might be inclined to vote for President Trump as “white supremacists.” WMUR had interviewed Matt Braynard, the executive director of Look Ahead America, an organization … Read more

Dem Party Chair Ray Buckley’s Failed Virtue Signaling Pretends it has Moral Authority

Corey Lewandowski will be featured at an upcoming Steve Negron fundraiser. This was, apparently, too much for Democrat State Party Chair Ray Buckley: “It shows how far the Republican party has fallen that Corey Lewandowski is considered one of their big-ticket headliners. Steve Negron should cancel this fundraiser and denounce Lewandowski’s heinous comments and every … Read more

Democrat Party Chair Ray Buckley’s Hypocrisy On Extremism

New Hampshire Democrat Party Chair Ray Buckley doesn’t even have the decency to apologize for implying that thousands of likely New Hampshire voters are white supremacists. Instead, he has a spokesman spin his treachery to blame Republicans. “The Republican outrage apparatus is expectedly taking this comment out of context to manufacture controversy,” Ronan said. “Chairman … Read more

NH Dem Party Chair Calls Rural, Disaffected Voters, ‘White Supremacists’

Yesterday, Adam Sexton of WMUR interviewed the executive director of a new organization called ‘Look Ahead America.’ The organization is made up of some former Trump campaign “data masterminds” and will be looking to New Hampshire for voter outreach. Executive director, Matt Braynard, spoke with Sexton about the number of inactive voters in New Hampshire … Read more

Does Chairman Ray Buckley Even Know He Is A Racist?

New Hampshire Democrat chair Raymond Buckley supports raises for public union employees regardless of the state of the economy.  He has never once complained nor concerned himself (to my knowledge) about Congressional raises under Democrat majorities.  But now he is appalled at the idea that Republicans in the US Senate opposed a minimum wage increase … Read more

Things That Go “Boom!” and Things That Don’t!

Someone sent crude looking mail bombs to some Democrats. They were all intercepted, and not a one went off. But the media went off, on cue, as did an organized chorus of ranters and ravers, going on about civility, which until yesterday not only did not matter to the Left it was verboten. The Left’s … Read more

Ann Kuster

Politics Before People: Democrat Ann Kuster Won’t Defend Her Own Constituents

The Editors, Congresswoman Ann Kuster doesn’t vote bipartisan. She doesn’t legislate that way either. She can’t even be bothered to defend “bipartisan.” Even when they are her own constituents. People like rural undeclared voters. Ann Kuster’s district is full of them. But when it was reported last Fall that a pro-Trump group was looking to reach … Read more

Left-Wing Intolerance And Extremism is Driving Democrats From The Party

The media is committed to selling the story that the Republicans are divided when, in fact, it is the Democrat Party that is in the throes of a full-blown civil war. The first “public” signs of wide-spread division showed themselves when Bernie Sanders challenged The Clinton Machine. The threat that Bernie could rob Hillary of another nomination … Read more