NH Dem Party Chair Calls Rural, Disaffected Voters, ‘White Supremacists’


Yesterday, Adam Sexton of WMUR interviewed the executive director of a new organization called ‘Look Ahead America.’ The organization is made up of some former Trump campaign “data masterminds” and will be looking to New Hampshire for voter outreach. Executive director, Matt Braynard, spoke with Sexton about the number of inactive voters in New Hampshire and the possible number of unregistered voters as well.

“We’ve identified maybe 15,000 inactive voters who we would consider disaffected, patriotic Americans. And potentially 100,000 or more unregistered adults we’re going to reach out to,” Braynard said.

Braynard goes on to explain how they are trying to reach voters, using commercially available data, who feel as though they have just been forgotten about. The organization will “identify patriotic Americans who’ve become disaffected and cynical, so we can engage them on issues relevant to them, get them registered, get them educated and turn them out to vote.”

There were many Granite Staters in 2016 who weren’t registered to vote but came out for President Trump. These are the type of voters Look Ahead America will reach out to, those who haven’t felt their issues have been addressed by previous administrations. Many feel they have been completely ignored by politicians, on both sides of the aisle.

Look Ahead America’s objective seems pretty simple:

We’ve identified millions of adults in each state who are not registered to vote or rarely vote. We will use our latest modeling techniques to identify these disaffected Americans and get them reengaged in civic life.

In response to this new organization reaching out to disaffected voters, Ray Buckley, chair of the New Hampshire Democrat Party, former DNC Vice Chair and former candidate for chair of the DNC, said the following:

“The organizing and activating of these extremists, these white supremacists, really could have a detrimental effect on the entire culture of New Hampshire,” New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley said.

And then he doubled down on his statement on Twitter when he called all rural, disaffected voters in New Hampshire, “white supremacists”:

It’s hard to grasp why Buckley or anyone would be against engaging Granite Staters who don’t currently vote. Surely when his own side does the same exact thing, it is completely acceptable. And since Look Ahead America cannot support any political party or candidate, they aren’t actually supporting one party over another, simply engaging voters.

Apparently, anyone who supports Trump or who may actually agree with his policies and agenda, are white supremacists. Since Braynard is specifically talking about reaching out to rural, patriotic, disaffected voters, given Buckley’s statement, he believes these people are actually white supremacists and extremists.

What Buckley seems to forget is these are people who are members of his own party and Independents, not just Republicans. Or people who aren’t registered to vote at all. And to say anyone who agrees with Trump’s agenda, no matter what party affiliation, is a white supremacist is not only vile but shows how Democrats feel about those who disagree with their failed policies. Rather than have a discussion about those policies, Democrats would prefer to label these people with a disgusting moniker.

Clearly, Democrats still haven’t learned why they lost the last election. They spent eight years calling anyone who disagreed with Obama’s policies a “racist,” now their switching that up with “white supremacist,” further proving they literally have nothing to offer voters other than contempt, vitriol and hatred.

Cross posted from NH Political Buzz

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