About the Left’s “insult-them-until-they-join-our-side” Strategy

I haven’t been called a racist yet today, but it’s early. And, I confess, I haven’t gone searching. But do I need to look? Their 2016 failures have been exacerbated by a Democrat Presidential primary driven by the mood swings of the far-left whose best rhetorical defense is name-calling.

Related: NHDP Chairman Ray Buckley’s White Supremacist Remarks IN Context

Rick Moran, writing at PJ Media, encapsulates their dilemma.

In order to appeal to the fanatics, ideologues, and hysterics to tap them for money and support, they have to at least give lip service to their warped views on race. And that includes calling you and me and about 70 percent of the American voters “racist.”

Democrats complain about Republicans appealing to their base. Pandering to people who think humans have rights before the government. Or, the absurd notion that such institutions are created “among men” to protect those rights. 

For the left, the government is the vehicle for plunder to finance the blind pursuit of power — a means by which they redefine rights on-the-fly to optimize a tyrannical yield curve. (Sold as equity and ending discrimination, or something.)

To achieve these ends, they divide and conquer. Democrats appeal to the worst of human nature to set us against each other and then shove the government in between the cracks until all is government. It works. Until it doesn’t.

Moran cites a USA Today piece to make the point.

For decades progressives have denounced America as hopelessly retrograde and racist. Naturally, they’re talking about everyone except themselves.

The insult-them-until-they-join-our-side strategy has gained devotees since the mass shootings. While no fewer than five presidential candidates have called Trump a white supremacist, their fellow progressives are shedding their reluctance to say the same of his supporters.

A search of any Leftist’s social media will probably yield evidence of their acceptance of the unifying theory of “Everyone that’s not a Democrat is racist.” Republicans are racists. Independents who dare listen to Republicans are racists. Anyone who lands on the wrong side of Liberal articles of faith is a racist (bigot, homophobe, xenophobe, or white supremacist hater.) And that’s not open to debate.

But the goal is not to insult them until they join. It is to terrorize them into silence. It is vote suppression from the people who cry vote-suppression. Speech suppression by those demanding a monopoly right on speech. 

“You said to me last week that you thought President Trump was a white nationalist. I just wonder, sir, President Trump won your home state of Texas by nine points,” host Jake Tapper said. “Almost 63 million Americans voted for him. Do you think it is racist to vote for President Trump in 2020?”

There was a long pause from O’Rourke before he said, “I think it’s really hard.”

It’s hard to be honest about why you said it. You are pandering to the extremists in your party in pursuit of power. Folks who still can’t fathom why calling everyone they disagree with deplorable didn’t win Hillary the White House. And here you are, as a party, doubling down on the same strategy, thinking that (like socialism) this time around it will be different.

Good luck with that.

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