Kuster Silent On Women’s March Board Member Who Says, ‘Don’t Humanize Jews’

Congresswoman Ann Kuster is not the only New Hampshire Democrat supporter of the Women’s March, but we’ll use her as out locus for this discussion because she has publicly participated and praised the organization, one of whose founding members just told a room full of Muslims not to ‘humanize the jews.’

Does Ann Kuster, who takes large sums of money from the anti-Israel group J-Street, agree?

Kuster Statement on Attending the Women’s March.

“Today I am standing in solidarity with hundreds of thousands of Americans to—in one strong voice—denounce the politics of division and hate. It’s up to all of us across the nation to send a clear message that we demand a society built on the values of inclusivity and acceptance. “

It sounds to me like she would not.

But women’s March founding member Linda Sarsour, who thinks Sharia law is reasonable, asked those assembled for the biggest annual meet-up of Muslims in the U.S  -at Houston’s Islamic Society of North America conference — not to humanize the oppressors of Palestinians. She is speaking about Israel and the Jews.

Don’t see them as people. They are not human beings.

In case you forgot, Ann Kuster says she wants “Americans to—in one strong voice—denounce the politics of division and hate. It’s up to all of us across the nation to send a clear message that we demand a society built on the values of inclusivity and acceptance. “

These two ideas are incompatible so when can we expect Ann Kuster to denounce Sarsour and the Women’s March?

Don’t hold your breath. Ann Kuster has had over a year to denounce New Hampshire Democrat State Party Chair Ray Buckley for calling rural, disaffected New Hampshire voters White Supremacists. That hasn’t happened so we must assume that she agrees with him.

Likewise with Sarsour. A prominent, outspoken leader of an organization Kuster reveres. A group she claims seeks to denounce division and hate.

Maybe her J-Street donor money is blocking her vision? J-Street was created in 2008 to push the so-called two-state solution with (Palestinian) leadership that refuses to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist. J-Street wants to return to the 1967 “lines” which are a huge security risk for Israel and not just because every piece of land they cede is used to get rockets closer to more targets. What J-street wants is bad for Isreal. It’s bad for the Jewish state.

But J-Street is one of Ann Kusters biggest contributors.

Kuster J- Street donations

So is Dartmouth College where more than 100 Professors (who may also be Kuster donors) stood up in support of Professor Mark Bray and his book justifying the use of intimidation and violence by the left to silence political speech they oppose.

Kuster is not on record denouncing or opposing that either.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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