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And with NH GOP Big Meetings, Flaws Emerge from the Smaller Ones

by Skip

There are times that I post something and I get feedback. Other times, they just come in.  Given some of the issues encountered during yesterday’s NH GOP Annual Meeting, this came in unbidden.  I’ve re-written parts of it to protect the sender to “jumble up” the writing style a bit. If Chris Ager wishes to … Read more

Voter Suppression and fraud

To Help You Understand Why The “Windham Audit” Was Always A Sham

I knew from the beginning that the “Windham Audit” was a SHAM. Four letters explain why: F-I-T-N. As in First-In-The-Nation presidential-primary. A lot of important, powerful people make a lot of money from the First-In-The-Nation presidential-primary. And so would lose a lot of money if New Hampshire lost its F-I-T-N status, which would have been a … Read more

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