Windham Selectman Bruce Breton Calls for Election Official’s Resignations

by Op-Ed

Earlier today, Windham Selectman Bruce Breton formally requested the resignations of Windham Moderator Peter Griffin and Windham School District Moderator Elizabeth Dunn to resign their positions due to continuing, egregious errors related to the November 3, 2020 election and September 13, 2022, State Primary election.

His written request is copied below.


Subject: Formal Request for Your Resignation of Town Moderator & School District Moderator

Dear Mr. Griffin & Ms. Dunn,

I am writing to formally request your resignation from the position of Windham Town Moderator and Windham School District Moderator, and for both of you to publicly pledge that you will no longer participate in any of the processes that govern Windham’s elections.

As you are both aware, Ms. Dunn has also acted as Windham’s Assistant Town Moderator in every Windham election for many years, and both of you have equally shared the town’s election responsibilities during that time.

My request for your resignations is based on your inability to follow election laws and procedures, and therefore, your inability to provide accurate election results.

My concerns are confirmed in the joint report by New Hampshire’s Secretary of State Bill Gardner and Attorney General John Formella. Their official findings of their comprehensive investigation, analysis and conclusions regarding the November 2020 General Election in Windham was delivered to you on January 7, 2022. Their report exposed significant deficiencies in your collective inabilities to follow simple election laws and procedures. Their damning report identified unconscionable failures that included the disenfranchisement of voters whose votes were not counted. This is unacceptable.

Even more egregious is your continued disregard of New Hampshire’s election laws and procedures, as demonstrated by your inability to accurately document and report the results  regarding the September 13, 2022 Primary Election.

I have read the complaint regarding the September 13, 2022 Primary Election that was submitted to New Hampshire Attorney General John Formella, and it is clear that the enormous errors and discrepancies that are identified in the complaint were all avoidable if you simply followed New Hampshire’s election laws and procedures that have been put into place.

The latest complaint provides dozens of indisputably egregious errors regarding inaccurately reported election results, inaccurately reported number of actual voters on election night, and inaccurately reported number of cast ballots. All of these, and more, are documented on the signed official election forms that you are responsible to complete and sign.

Your documentation, on official election documents prove your inability to accurately reconcile our elections. Your reported documented results are historically inaccurate. They include:

  • On election night you announced that 959 MORE people voted than actually voted (3,724 vs. 2,765). How were you so far off?
  • The sealed ballot box chain of custody records show there were 1,351 MORE cast ballots than the actual number of voters (4,116 vs 2,765). Where did those EXTRA ballots come from?
  • The chain of custody records for the sealed ballot boxes state there were 1,333 MORE election day ballots on election night than actually received from the Secretary of State (6,303 vs. 4,970). Where did those EXTRA ballots come from?

These are just a few examples. The complaint identifies 33 individual issues. ALL of the errors that are identified would have been caught had you simply followed the procedures that are outlined in the Election Procedure Manual.

Instead of taking responsibility of your errors and the seriousness of the complaint that was filed with the Attorney General, Ms. Dunn publicly dismissed the complaint as “background noise”.

With the First In The Nation Primary upon us early next year, it is of utmost importance that the public’s trust in Windham’s elections be restored and maintained – and that election laws and procedures are properly followed to ensure that every vote and ballot is accurately tabulated and accounted for in every election. You have proven you inability to do so on multiple occasions.

The continued pattern of egregious issues that have been documented for the last two federal elections has compelled me to request your resignation from your positions of Windham Moderator and Windham School District Moderator.

Please consider this request with the seriousness it entails. It is not background noise. As a Windham Selectman, I have an obligation to protect the rights of all Windham voters to have their voices heard accurately and fairly, without any concerns regarding failures to follow the law.


Bruce Breton


Contact Information:

Bruce Breton
Release Date: 11/13/2023


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