The Interviews – Week Ending 3-10-2018

This weeks roundup of interviews includes Hoe Obama Policies gave us Nikolas Cruz, the left’s hypocritical overreaction to a tweet about Hitler, gun legislation update, actual foreign collusion in US elections, and how the Windham New Hampshire school board is robbing people of their constitutional rights. Find more ways to listen on the original blog-post … Read more

How Windham’s Transgender Policy Violates Your Rights

Skip Murphy explains how the Windham School Board’s new transgender bathroom policy includes language that could infringe on first amendment rights by compelling speech with threats of disciplinary action and how he is trying to pry more details from the board. Visit the original post for more ways to listen.

GrokTALK! – The Compilation Podcast: Week Ending 2-24-2018

This week’s special guest is Phil Kerpen form American commitment. We also have interviews on a Transbathroom policy in a local school district, municipal malfeasance, gun grabbing gun grabbers, and an excellent synopsis of the entire Moooueller investigation (so far). You can also listen from the original blog post page here.

Windham School Board Gets Right To Know Request On Trans-Bathroom Policy

Skip Murphy explains his first (of perhaps several) Right to Know requests to a Windham School Board that has rammed through transgender bathroom rules without following district policy. Listen from the original blog post page here.

Windham School Board Bans ‘Human Target’ Activities (aka – Dodgeball!)

Susan posted a link to the story here, but the first sentence from the Concord Monitor article was all I needed to see. The Windham School District has banned dodgeball and other “human target” activities over concerns about violence and bullying. That’s a very broad statement.  Almost every action of government is a form of … Read more

Governor Jon Huntsman Snubs Windham NH [Updated]

Southern NH 9-12 Snubbed by jon HuntsmanSouthern New Hampshire 9.12 announced today that the forum for a Lincoln-Douglass style debate between Governor Jon Huntsman and former Speaker Newt Gingrich has had its venue changed without their knowledge or permission.   The debate was scheduled for December 12th, at 7 pm, at Windham High School.

From what I can tell it appears as if the Huntsman campaign arranged the event at St. Anselms College without including the Windham organizers in the process. Speaker Gingrich has said he will attend that debate but is still planning to appear in Winhdam where hundreds of people have already reserved seats for the event, far more than the facility in Manchester.

In their official Press release Representative David bates and Ken Eyring, the debate organizers and two of the founders of Southern NH 9.12 said…

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Kathleen Sullivan DiFruscia

You remember Tony DiFruscia? Lawyer, democrat, republican, independent, ex RINO NH House rep. Yeah that guy. Well his law partner and wife–wait until I tell you her name, is running for selectman in Windham.

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