And with NH GOP Big Meetings, Flaws Emerge from the Smaller Ones

by Skip

There are times that I post something and I get feedback. Other times, they just come in.  Given some of the issues encountered during yesterday’s NH GOP Annual Meeting, this came in unbidden.  I’ve re-written parts of it to protect the sender to “jumble up” the writing style a bit. If Chris Ager wishes to know, I can send him the redacted names to talk with.

Hey Skip!

While there may be been some issues today, there are lower-level problems that the new NH GOP Administration ought to be aware of if they really are mindful as to what is going closer to the grassroots – especially with NH GOP Delegates. Most would nominate either themselves to be State Committee members or their friends (who would then return the favor). And those Delegates are the ones that then vote, in their committees, for those that would become official NH GOP State Committee members like those that voted for Chris Ager to be the new NH GOP chair and other officials.

Here’s a BIG problem. As it seems during the State wide elections, there was yet another “election integrity issue” in Windham. The Windham GOP chairman unilaterally selected the slate of state committee members. It also happened in Londonderry. <Redacted> and <redacted> would both be good people to talk to about this in Londonderry.

In Londonderry, the Old Guard did what Windham did: put forward a unilateral slate for State Committee Members (as opposed to “open nominations”). This was challenged by the elected Londonderry NH GOP Delegates. Nevertheless, Jason Grotzky ran rough shot over the elected “grassroot” NH GOP Delegates in Londonderry and approved the GOP establishment slate. <Redacted> also knows all about this, too, as a third reliable source.

There were quite a few unhappy folks that criticized the process of how this was run. There are also rumors that a lot of the Area Vice Chairs had colluded with Sununu‘s people (gosh, I just have NO idea who they would have been – snicker) to put forward their own Sununu loyalist slates thus usurping the will/vote of the Delegates. This most likely was due to the fact that they knew many of those delegates were grassroots aligned.

So yet another battle between those who believe in Principles and the “Republican’s Republican for the Republican Party”, aka, the GOPe.

So the new leadership now has more problems to deal with.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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