WHO World Health Organization

HR79 WHO Withdrawal Act

By tabling HB 1156, the New Hampshire state legislature has been derelict in its constitutional duty to nullify the globalist control of the WHO/CDC from controlling our healthcare decisions. Congressman Andy Biggs (R – AZ) bill H.R. 79, the WHO Withdrawal ACT is now the only opposition to the clear and present danger of the global pandemic treaty.

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WHO World Health Organization

The Sexual Predators of the WHO

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently complained about the citizens who are skeptical about ceding national sovereignties and individual rights to his global agency under the pending expansion of WHO powers through a revised Pandemic Treaty and accused them of spreading disinformation.

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Night Cap: Who Trusts the WHO?

The WHO (World Health Organization) took center stage during the COVID pandemic as the global coordinator of effective response. Questions about the organization’s proper role – and competence – preceded and now survive the COVID-19 crisis. Was the WHO effective and apolitical in its response, and can it be trusted with its global medical preeminence?

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Mental Health’s DSM: Science or Scientology?

The term “mental illness” has gained near-ubiquitous status in our daily lives.  Once a rarity among friends and relatives today it seems those without a mental illness are in the minority.  Among the flagship mental illnesses are depression, ADD/ADHD, and gender dysphoria.

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Stomping Boots From Who

George Orwells’ future projections on government from his book 1984 are collectively summed up in his quote, “Imagine a boot stamping on the human face forever.”

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WHO is What?

Here is one very disturbing report coming from Mat Staver, chairman of  The Liberty Counsel ever America needs to be aware of.  The  United Nations’ World Health Organization (“WHO”) will shortly be meeting to discuss a new treaty they want Biden to force America to sign up for. This is far more than something relating … Read more

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