The World Health Organization (the WHO?) has been warning the planet about the latest emerging plague. Sinister Monkeypox. Only it’s not a plague by a long shot. The disease is rarely fatal, mostly an inconvenience, and this time around, the only intervention needed is this.
The outbreak of the disease appears primarily in gay men and is transmitted through intimate contact. And by primarily, I mean almost exclusively. This monkeypox “epidemic” is so narrow in focus that neither the public health industrial complex nor its PR wing (the corporate media) dares to share the sexual orientation of the patients.
That’s fine. It’s not really anyone’s business what consenting adults do until it is relevant to the spread of the disease or in the context of blanket orders or mandates by the public health officials hiding these details.
A habit (blanketing) they’ve gotten much too comfortable with in recent years.
So, let us be frank about Frank and Frank and patient zero (who may or may not be named Frank or Francis, frankly).
Pride parades and events are being flagged (that’s FLAGGED) as Monkey Pox superspreader events. “The Gran Canarian pride festival attended by 80,000 from Britain and across Europe is being investigated after being linked to numerous monkeypox cases in Madrid, Italy and Tenerife.”
That was the genesis of this Monkeypox epidemic. In rare exceptions, and there may be none because, as noted, the experts don’t want to release details, patients are not gay men. One example of this is the apparent rise of this disease in children.
That could be a problem. How is an epidemic currently spread almost exclusively by gay men infecting children?
I bet you can work that out for yourselves.
But to get to the point, the “cure” is to isolate those most at risk. The disease is spread by intimate contact, so maybe gay men need to embrace abstinence for a few months. Lock down the libido. Quarantine the [insert word for you know what here]. Maybe until Thanksgiving? At which point you can be thankful you did not get or transmit monkeypox.
In the name of public health and all that.