UN United Nations

The Second War for Independence

During these encouraging times, as President Trump moves to restore American sovereignty, too many think globalism is dying as fast as the New England Patriots did when Tom Brady left.  Trump has initiated withdrawing from the Paris Peace Accords, UNESCO, and the WHO, and encouraging moves to defund the WEF/UN – Build Back Better and … Read more

Camp Constitution Founding painting

The Constitution Is The Solution

The erosion of biblical Judao/Christian ethics and the philosophy of “hate God, family and country” has waged an ever-increasing war for the past century on the philosophy of Americanism: “governments are instituted among men to secure the God-given rights of “we the people”—life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This challenge to the world of … Read more

Harrison Thorpe

Dear Harrison Thorp Editor of The Rochester Voice

President Trump’s victory has tossed our nation’s Ship of State a life-preserver. Living up to the MAGA expectations will be a difficult task to turn the ship around, and it promises to be equivalent to threading a needle without an eye. So how do we get to shore?   As the war against globalism gets hotter, … Read more

UN United Nations

Why Is The UN Danger Ignored?

The silent crisis of the United Nations continues to move our nation into world government. Nevertheless, it is respected and protected by “deep state” control of government and the legacy media. Why is UN danger ignored? The UN is based on an ideology that the government is the grantor of human rights. It is the … Read more

US Capitol Building Front

Perversion of The Power To Declare War

Mark Twain’s wit, perhaps, describes the dilemma the  majority of the U.S. Congress has suffered for decades since December 7, 1941: “It’s better to keep silent and appear stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Our military sons and daughters show courage in fulfilling their duty, even unto death, but our Congress has found … Read more

American Flag original image by by Dave Sherrill on Unsplash

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

I appreciate Ian Underwood addressing a quote in my 11/23 article, “Make America States Again.”  “I’m just responding to this from the article: Our Constitutional Republic structure, called Federalism, was wisely summed up by James Madison: The powers of the federal government are few and defined, while the states have unlimited powers. ‘I find it … Read more

Missile launch rocket I

Restore Congressional Power to Declare War

Americans ought to ask, who is pulling the strings of President Biden who has instigated war with Putin? Ruining our Thanksgiving by firing 6 American made missiles at Russia, all but one intercepted; that one hitting a munitions target. Now, the threat of escalation looms.  We’d like to thank Russ for his op-ed. Send yours … Read more

Constitution American states

Make America States Again

From a vantage point of long years, now reaching 88, I believe the key to MAGA achievement is to: “MAKE AMERICA STATES AGAIN (MASA).” Our Constitutional Republic structure, called Federalism“was wisely summed up by James Madison : Powers of federal government are few and defined, the states have unlimited powers. We see this trend of … Read more

mental health anxiety pshchitzophrenia

The Cultural Wokeism Disorder

 Biblical Christianity and the Ten Commandments are the basic foundation of Western civilization and the true reason for “American Exceptionalism.”

American flag america

The Political Anti-Americanitus Virus

“All you have to do to take over a nation is change their religion.” Powerful words spoken by John Steinbacher in 1970 at The John Birch Society sponsored Boston New England Rally for God, Family, and Country.  Today, looking back at decades of Supreme Court rulings, who can argue? Our nation is following this path: … Read more

Selling The Side-Effects as An Outbreak

Will Rogers famously said: “The problem in America isn’t so much what people don’t know; the problem is what people think they know that just ain’t so,” Reminds me of what wannabe dictators and bureaucrats think about how blind the American people have become and, perhaps, how easy it will be to steal the rest … Read more

cross sunrise

“Jesus Save Me!”

During Hurricane Helene’s devastation from Asheville, NC, a mom interviewed on TV tearfully expressed how proud she was of the courage of her 7-year-old son, Micah. Meghan Drye shared Micah’s final words while drowning with his two grandparents.  Instead of crying out in fear, Micah called out, “Jesus save me!” There’s a lesson in this … Read more

UN United Nations

UN Tyranny Continues

While all eyes are mostly focused on the presidential election, a threat to our constitutional republic is flying under the public’s radar: the usurpation of total power over all nations at the United Nations Summit of the Future in New York City on September 22nd and 23rd. The Psalmists expose this evil nature of men … Read more

Are Pavlov’s Disciples Behind Trumps Assassination Attemps

If a dog can be trained to salivate each time he sees a light appear, is it not possible to condition people’s minds to commit violent assassination attempts? As a longtime student and observer of how Pavlovian mind control influences the American political arena, two books from the 1970s give insight into how Pavlov’s techniques … Read more

The Greatest Evil in the World

The greatest evils in the world will not be carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks. —C. S. Lewis. One of those evils, plotted by siting suits, is the  SAVE Act introduced by Rep. Chip Roy of TX,  H.R. 8281, that passed the House on July 10th.  Following … Read more

Does Kamala Insult the Intelligence of Democrats?

The party of FDR, JFK, LBJ , the Clintons, and recently, Obama seem to disrespect members of their party today.  For all  these Presidents were impressive communicators,  carrying the banner of their party. However, today’s Democrats are expected to support VP Kamala Harris. Harris, with the help of her allies in the “fake news,” continues … Read more

A ‘Freedom’ Impossible Without ‘God’?

In Hosea 4:6 of God’s holy scriptures, He tells the people of Israel that they are “destroyed for lack of knowledge,” indicating both the priesthood and the people have forgotten His law. America’s decline from the greatest national power has followed a similar path, forgetting His eternal truth: “Where the spirit of the Lord is, … Read more

Police car lights

Support Your Local Police And Keep them Independent

One of the key reasons American liberty stands today is because our founders designed a unique system of local control of law enforcement; where the loyalties of family and friends are a precious guardian of liberty. Being blessed to see 87 years gives perspective on how things have changed. One such perspective is the gradual process to move local control of police to federal control.

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