Putin pony 2

How Did Putin Manage to Give Gay People Monkey Pox?

Bad news for the Gaystapo. Pride parades and events are being flagged (that’s FLAGGED) as Monkey Pox superspreader events. “The Gran Canarian pride festival attended by 80,000 from Britain and across Europe is being investigated after being linked to numerous monkeypox cases in Madrid, Italy and Tenerife.”

mosher-death Michael Mosher and dog

Moneky Pox Vaccine Kills Pro-JAB, Hollywood Make-Up Artist

I don’t know the guy, and it’s a tragedy, but this individual was all-in on trusting the government with experimental pharmaceuticals. He appears to have been a mask-nazi who ridiculed “anti-vaxxers,” and now he’s dead. He lined up to get a Monkeypox jab, and it looks like it killed him.

Monkey Pox

Donkey Pox!

The Progressive Pandemic Theater has announced its new season. A twenty-four-week run of Monkey Pox. Shows daily, until the November elections, with an option to pick up additional weeks until the Dems have stolen that one in the name of making every vote count for a Democrat.

Hunter Biden - Screen Grab Fox News on YouTube

Biden Laptop part 3: The Reckoning

After looking through the extensively documented and verified communications, pictures and overt commissions on the Hunter Biden laptop, as presented in the Marco Polo report, the magnitude of the Biden crime family is as global as it is unnerving.  The amount of criminal activity in the United States alone is enough for Hunter, his dad … Read more

hunter and gatherer Hunter Biden Joe Biden Cartoon

Biden Laptop Part 2: High Crimes & Misdemeanors

The Marco Polo (MP) report includes a timeline beginning detailing key activities with dates.  These entries indicate the trail of evidence found on the laptop and corroborated either with official White House entries, newspaper articles and releases, as well as names of those involved in the criminal activity. Perhaps the most notable is the already … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!