“Healthcare” has become the perfect guise for the Deep State’s desire to control the people. Senator Kennedy introduced his plan for socialized medicine in the 1960s. Since then, government concern for all things relating to our health has been made law.
We want to thank Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.
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Today, the WHO advances its quest to give us the ultimate prescription to root out liberty: The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty.
Do you trust unelected, unaccountable UN/WHO bureaucrats with your healthcare decisions? If this treaty is not stopped, the authors of the “Covid lockdown” will act to control us again with predetermined responses and mandatory preparedness by “edict” that will become legally binding. Not only will this treaty amend the International Health Regulations (IHR), it will legalize, subject to their discretion, the repeat of COVID medical tyranny with: “vaccine passports, expansion of mandatory quarantine power, and even the recommendation of “travel checks.”
This is not Americanism. This is climbing up the Marxist ladder just as Chancellor Hitler assumed illegal power through edicts.
The constitution requires two-thirds of the Senate to ratify treaties. President Biden is attempting to impose this treaty on the American people without ratification. The president is living up to Art Thompson’s description of his life: He’s a Water Boy for The New World Order. Check out Thompson’s book Benedict Biden at JBS.ORG.
How can this be stopped? This is first a priority for state governments to serve us, not their party leaders. Nullification of federal government power is their job. The power lies in the hands of the people. All concerned citizens should assert their authority by demanding state legislators, the governor, and the federal Congress to solve this overreach before their inaction gives us the ultimate tyrannical headache. Demand that they implement “state Nullification.”
Demand they watch the following lecture:
Article VI of the U.S. Constitution is key: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof … shall be the supreme Law of the Land.” There is only one true interpretation of this language, it is unambiguous because it states that only laws that align with the Constitution are the supreme law of the United States and cannot be valid. The Failure to act in a concerted effort from all patriots will bring globalist control over every area of your life.