Surveying the International Landscape

Surveying the International Landscape

With a cursory surveying the international landscape it is readily discernible America’s position in the world is at best precarious. We burden ourselves with unsustainable debt which we has no plan to repay or reduce. Our trade position is precarious. Our partners are weak and our enemies many. We would do well to assess out … Read more

Welcome to Social Media Government

What is the effect of social media on government? Have you ever thought about a combining of Big Government & Big Tech? What that might mean for you? Do those things seem like there they might be impactful? Below is a link to a story from and some of the story for your perusal. … Read more

Another Summer of Our Health Care Discontent

World Health Organization- organizing for socialized medicineIn all likelihood the US Supreme court will deal a mortal blow to Obama-care, the Patient Affordable Health Care and Socialism for All or Something Act before they go on recess for the summer.  Progressives being who they are, and seeing as this is an election year, will only view this as another opportunity to flog opponents and to pontificate in favor of whatever elements of the ‘plan’ they were told to tell you about the first time around.

But these are details that, as it turns out, were based on an ancient study (2000) by the World Health Organizers in the WHO whose mission it was to make socialized medicine look good.  So it behooves us to gird our loins with the armor of truth; that this major source of all those Health Care talking points is a fraud.

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