Selling The Side-Effects as An Outbreak

Russ Payne

Will Rogers famously said: “The problem in America isn’t so much what people don’t know; the problem is what people think they know that just ain’t so,” Reminds me of what wannabe dictators and bureaucrats think about how blind the American people have become and, perhaps, how easy it will be to steal the rest of American liberty. Beware of the possibility of multiple October surprises looming before the election to create “Pandemicitus.” Will you succumb to the mind-controlling fear that will demand another surrender of freedom?

The new favorite overreach is for bureaucrats to make medical decisions for you. COVID-19 revealed the bureaucratic blueprint: constant repetitive World Health Organization/DHHS/CDC fearful warnings, doctoring with one-size-fits-all forced vaccination, circumventing federal and state constitutional protection of “we the people” with media propagation of fearful consequences for those who disagreed. Mass psychosis throughout our nation surrendered to totalitarian Executive Orders. 

Thanks to Russ Payne for the Op-Ed – Send yours to

The World Economic Forum WEF Summit projected, “…growing hysteria surrounding Bird Flu and even Monkeypox suggests that either or both may soon be declared an “emergency.” The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations predicts there will be a series of pandemics, and “there will be one countermeasure response —-mass vaccination.”

Isn’t it strange that the  U.S. government walks in lockstep with this “war on humanity” from WHO-led by former Communist terrorist Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus? WHO has declared Monkey Pox to be a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern.”  

Dr. David Martin, a globally recognized “warrior for truth” during Covid, now challenges PHEIC lies: “There is no Monkeypox outbreak of any concern. What there is is a pox-like effect in response to peoples’s immune system failures around receiving the injection with spike proteins …. They’re selling the side effects of the injection as a new outbreak.” Martin’s claim is from published research around some of the ingredients in the covid injection.

Why has so much power been granted to WEF a non-governmental organization NGO that governments around the world should follow in lockstep? Why does the media ignore Dr. Peter McCullough, who exposed COVID-19 fraudulent claims and vaccine solution, who now warns us again about nefarious activities? 

Patriots, let’s make this year’s October surprise backfire and expose their globalist plot to steal our liberty. Ask your state and federal legislators why DHHS has announced spending your money so generously, giving Moderna $175 million. And why do our leaders at the federal level actually promote replacing personal healthcare decisions with bureaucratic, “one vaccine fits all” remedies for citizens worldwide?

Why let bureaucratic remedies replace doctors with authority to force vaccination, which prominent cardiologists warn should never be used in widely prevalent pandemics? Don’t take my word for it. Do your research. An excellent place to start is to check out Alex Newman’s influential article in the 9/30/24 New American.


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