WHO Logo

The World Health Organization Is the Enemy of Healthcare

“Healthcare” has become the perfect guise for the Deep State’s desire to control the people. Senator Kennedy introduced his plan for socialized medicine in the 1960s. Since then, government concern for all things relating to our health has been made law.

Sheesh: WHO (World Health Organization) gives the following advice on suicide prevention:

Only a government wonk (or one seeking even more power for an organization wishing it to be a supra-national government) could ever say this: Suicide is a complex issue and therefore suicide prevention efforts require coordination and collaboration among multiple sectors of society, including the health sector and other sectors such as education, labour, agriculture, … Read more

World Health Organization wants Bigger Governments

It should come as no surprise to anyone that politicians and bureaucrats want to increase their power and the amount of money they can control.  These are the true purposes of the World Health Organization’s ranking of nation’s healthcare systems. When people hear complaints about the US healthcare system based on the World Health Organization (WHO) rankings, they … Read more

VEGETABLES - cooked meat

Solution to the World’s Carbon Problems

Touting a supposed “new study,” mainstream media is advocating globalist prescriptions for climate change that would utilize existing public school lunch programs to compel children to eat unhealthy processed vegetarian alternatives to wholesome grass-fed meats or fresh local foods. The audacity and misinformation of these proposals reflect elitist disconnect from basic nutrition and soil health.

Mental Health’s DSM: Science or Scientology?

The term “mental illness” has gained near-ubiquitous status in our daily lives.  Once a rarity among friends and relatives today it seems those without a mental illness are in the minority.  Among the flagship mental illnesses are depression, ADD/ADHD, and gender dysphoria.

Klaus Schwab WEF YouTube Screen Grab

Assets of the World Economic Forum?

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, Amber Heard, Evan Rachel Wood, Chessy Prout, Sam Bankman-Fried? Snake charmers to sell snake oil? Who is making the oil? Who is creating the campaign? Who is being recruited to sell it? And who is getting rich off the proceeds?