Bananas: NAACP Honors White Supremacists for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

After years of conflict and turmoil between the two racially motivated institutions the NAACP and White Supremacists have found common ground.  In a stunning turn of events the NAACP recently announced it is awarding the National White Supremacy Movement for Outstanding Efforts In Diversity thanks to several unlikely heroes. 2021 saw the Los Angeles Times … Read more

Sheila Jackson Lee Flicker US Customers and Border Protection Glenn Fawcett 29568172152_3afd26e99a_c

OK, So US House Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is BARELY Smarter Than Her Voters. Otherwise, She’s Right There with Rocks. Is that Enough to Convict Me of “Hate Speech Towards Minorities”?

And I’m betting that bringing up US Rep Hank Johnson’s utterance that putting all the US Military on one end of Guam would make it tip over would be hate speech as well?  And don’t get me started on “The Rev. Al” and his race-baiting and all sorts of other well-covered annoyances. And Jackson Lee … Read more

BLM Fist Socialism

Caucasians as Scapegoat

A big issue through the past four years in the USA has been the advancement of Critical Race Theory in high school and elementary education systems nationwide. Some states have banned this controversial material.

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Sununu Sun King Laughing

The Predictable, Ugly, Violent Consequences of “CRITICAL RACE THEORY”

This: And this … CRITICAL RACE THEORY … is what Chris Sununu, and his fellow NHGOP-Corporatists, want indoctrinated in New Hampshire schools and New Hampshire businesses … IN ORDER TO SERVE THEIR WOKE CORPORATE MASTERS (and keep the corporate donations flowing). Never forget whose side Sununu and the Corporatist-NHGOP are on … IT’S NOT YOURS.

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