Gordon MacDonald

Who Can Vote? for the One-Hundredth Time…

Regarding the new, last-minute statement from the NH AG’s Office that makes the claim any students from colleges in New Hampshire can vote here – it’s false! To be a student at a state college such as UNH, Keene State, Plymouth, or any state school there is an issue of domicile – one’s legal residence.

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People vote at a polling place at the Canterbury Town Hall polling station in Canterbury, New Hampshire

What is Behind Voter Fraud in NH – Pays To Look

The year 2016 in New Hampshire General Elections is a banner year for voter fraud investigations and prosecutions by the NH AG’s Elections Unit. There is a heaping handful of cases.

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1200 Elm Street Manchester Image Credit - 1200 elmstreetapts

Remember The 1200 Elm St. Voter Fraud Nest of 2012? So, Where Are They Now?

Back in 2008 and 2012, there was a Democrat boiler room operation at 1200 Elm St. in Manchester, NH. Multiple units were rented by someone for around $1,200 a month. The Coalition of NH Taxpayers got a tip about the place and started looking into it.

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Time For A Voter Fraud History Lesson, NH

As we see an actual arrest and extradition of an out-of-state voter by the NH Attorney General’s Office it pays to look back at some old, but very relevant articles from the CNHT website. The facts are simple.

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interrogation room

When NH Prosecutes Vote Thief Michael LeSean Lewis, How About Asking Some Questions Like…

As you may have read, outside the mainstream media, Michael LaSean Lewis, the “Florida Man” who voted on November 8, 2016 in Hooksett, NH has been arrested by Atlanta, GEORGIA Transit Police and is being extradited to NH for trial for unlawfully voting.

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Ed Naile Gets His Man: NH AG Arrests Michael LaSean Lewis for Illegally Voting in New Hampshire

You can thank CNHT Chairman Ed Naile for the arrest of Michael LeSean Lewis. He did all the leg work on this and shared it on our pages. We’re not thanking the AG’s office; that was James O’Keefe’s good work. Embarrassing the crap out of that heel-dragging lot to get them to do something for a change.

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Tom Steyer

Sure Looks Like Sizable #MailInVoting Fraud in the College Towns

So … check this out, courtesy of Tom Steyer’s @NextGenAmerica: Note the massive increase in turnout from Dartmouth. But did you know that Dartmouth is only allowing one-half of its students to be on-campus at a time? Dartmouth will bring half of its undergraduates to campus for fall term, President Philip J. Hanlon ’77 and Provost Joseph Helble announced … Read more

Here is What We Found That the NH AG’s Office of Elections did Not

WMUR has a 2016 story about the “Florida Man,” Michael LeSean Lewis, indicted by a Merrimack County grand jury. It is rather complete, including a photo. Updated: Updated: 5:00 PM EST Dec 18, 2018.

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Gordon MacDonald

Project Veritas and James O’Keefe

Project Veritas and James O’Keefe steamrolled the Election Law Division of the NH Attorney General’s Office.  This office has been whitewashing voter fraud for twenty years I know of.  They use a series of tricks The Coalition of NH Taxpayers has been documenting since 2000.

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Vote 2

Voting Today – SecState Gardner predicts a record turnout. What about Same Day Registrations?

WMUR – Reformatted, emphasis mine: NH’s top election official says 100,000 primary absentee ballots were requested, 75,000 returned as of Monday morning The availability of absentee ballots for registered voters concerned about the health effects of COVID-19 will drive a record number of ballots to be cast in a state primary election Tuesday, Secretary of … Read more

Gordon MacDonald

James O’Keefe Nails NH Attorney General MacDonald HARD on Election Fraud

To recap, this fustercluck started with Vincent Marzello of West Lebanon, NH for voting twice in 2016 – once as himself and again as “Helen Ashley” (with a bad fur coat and a worse wig). Reformatted, emphasis mine:

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Gordon MacDonald

Voter Suppression – According to Our Wonderful Attorney General, You Can You be Prevented From Voting For Not Wearing a Mask.

So the New Hampshire Attorney General has released “guidance” for voting in the age of COVID. The Attorney General claims that local voting officials have the authority to require voters to wear masks … as long as “alternatives” are provided to voters who are “unwilling” to wear a mask: Q1: Can local officials require voters … Read more

Get Used to This: Recount Ordered After “Thousands of Uncounted Ballots Found”

As Americans continue to bend over willingly to virus socialism and other forms of tyranny in the name of public health, will it prepare them for the main event? It looms large in a headline that foreshadows the nationwide electoral gang rape of the American Republic.

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Jim Babcock - mug shot

Jim Babcock’s “Stealing Campaign Signs” Hall of Shame – Justice delayed and all that…

The hearing on Jim Babcock’s theft of Grokster Norm’s campaign sign WAS supposed to be August 20th. But the wheels of Justice, as we are seeing, sometimes turn very slow. And right now slow is just plain “No.”

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Jim Babcock - mug shot

Jim Babcock’s “Stealing Campaign Signs” Hall of Shame – Time of reckoning?

The Due Process that is afforded to all alleged do-badders is getting ready to take its next formal step for Jim Babcock (who stole Grokster Norm’s political sign back a while ago. As I posted before, I took the liberty of adapting my own instance of Norm’s sign and added my own:

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Election 2020 Voting By Mail

On “Voting by Mail” – one anecdote

From a loyal reader: She handed me a mail in ballot that she got in the mail. She never asked for it. It was addressed to her ex-husband that hasn’t lived there for over 10 years OR “Current Resident”. She was shocked and pissed and she said this is the scariest thing she’s seen in … Read more

Election 2020 Voting By Mail

Democrats Getting Pissed: Trump Won’t Spend Our Money So They Can Steal the Election

The list of whos-who Democrats chiming in on vote-by-mail-fraud is growing. Even Barry-o-Bama has gotten in on that act. They are all steaming mad. Trump won’t spend a few billion more on the Postal Service to make vote-by-mail-fraud the disaster it is destined to be.

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Rigged Election: NH-Democrats’ Ballot-Harvesting in Full Swing.

This: Note that “Brenna” submitted all 27 absentee requests. To begin with, if you do not have the mental capacity or the motivation to submit your own absentee ballot … you should NOT be voting. That simple. Next, query where those absentee ballots will be sent … to “Brenna”, to some other Democrat operative or … Read more

Vote by mail

Yeah, mailing in your votes is just SO secure….

Yeah, mailing in your votes is just SO secure. Ayup, no problem with any kind of fraud here – absolutely nothing can go wrong, right? Oopsies – Coronavirus Ballot Blues:

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Jim Babcock - mug shot

New addition to the ‘Grok “Stealing Campaign Signs” Hall of Shame: Jim Babcock of Gilford – Possible Forfeiture of Voting Rights??

I was not aware that this could be part of Jim Babcock’s consequence for angrily stealing Norm Silber’s campaign sign: CHAPTER 664: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES AND CONTRIBUTIONS [snip] [Art.] 11. [Elections and Elective Franchises.] All elections are to be free, and every inhabitant of the state of l8 years of age and upwards shall have an … Read more

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