Yeah, mailing in your votes is just SO secure….


Yeah, mailing in your votes is just SO secure. Ayup, no problem with any kind of fraud here – absolutely nothing can go wrong, right? Oopsies – Coronavirus Ballot Blues:

Related: Speaking of Potential Vote-by-Mail Fraud: It’s The CA District 25 Edition

California tosses more than 100,000 mail-in ballots from March presidential primary over mistakes

Problems with mail-in balloting continue to occur around the country as more jurisdictions use them amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, as evidenced in California.

More than 102,000 mail-in ballots from the state’s March presidential primary were rejected due to various “mistakes” out of more than 7 million cast, leaving new doubts in the minds of many whether widespread voting by mail around the country on Election Day in November will be fraught with similar problems.

In all, California elections officials tossed 102,428, according to data unearthed by The Associated Press, “marking the highest number of disqualified ballots in the state for a primary since 2014 and highest for any statewide election since 2010,” the Daily Caller reported.

The question that is begging to be asked is whether or not these problems would have occurred in person at the poll to which they’ve been assigned? We all know the hi-jinks that happen there but there far more when the Chain of Custody is invisible and unknownable.

Let’s assume that the Post Office is 100% good on doing the transfer from Voter Point A to Poll Point 2. How many errors will the voters make on their own?  As the post mentions:

The most common reason ballots were tossed in California was because they were received late. Ballots are to be postmarked by Election Day and cannot arrive more than three days later. In all, statewide, 70,330 missed the deadline.

Either for that reason, or any other, would you ever find out if your vote really counted in determining a winner? Did even GET counted?  And if the answer is no, in such large scales, is the process even “believable” or “Trustable”? Progressives have attacked the process as much as they can to do just that – how many times have you heard that Trump cheated (because they couldn’t believe that so many people voted for him) or that Bush stole the election (hanging chads, dontcha know).  Either way, win or lose, they’ll do it again (although if they win, it may be a bit subdued in those districts but amp’d up where they’d lose).

If go to Walmart, you can go to the Polls

That’s my belief – to do otherwise (other than infirm, sick, or travel), you are basically stating you are either too lazy to move your butt or you have no problem in telling the rest of us that you value shopping over a Civic Responsibility. And yes, in showing that, just stay home.

Since Gov Sununu just signed that “absentee vote by mail because I’LL DIE IF I SPEND 15 MINUTES AT THE POLLS EVEN WITH A MASK!!!” – start thinking ballot harvesting here in NH. Long a staple in Democrat States, they’ve now secured a place for their nose under the Voting Tent. Even though the bill is just for the “Wu Flu Emergency”, Sununu keeps extending his Emergency Order such that WFE sallies onward.

What happens if he loses? Has he signed his own political death warrant? Then can/will either Feltes and Volinsky just declare their own Emergency and start ruling by fiat?

(H/T: BizPackReview)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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