Voting Today – SecState Gardner predicts a record turnout. What about Same Day Registrations?

by Skip

WMUR – Reformatted, emphasis mine:

NH’s top election official says 100,000 primary absentee ballots were requested, 75,000 returned as of Monday morning

The availability of absentee ballots for registered voters concerned about the health effects of COVID-19 will drive a record number of ballots to be cast in a state primary election Tuesday, Secretary of State William Gardner told WMUR. ..Gardner told WMUR in an interview Monday he expects the number of ballots cast to surpass the previous record for ballots cast in a September primary. That occurred just two years ago, when 228,432 ballots were cast.

    • In 2018, number of ballots cast was nearly 24 percent of the number of registered voters at the time – 962,396.
    • Gardner said that there are now 1,012,002 registered voters in the state – nearly 50,000 more than two years ago.
    • Gardner said that of the 100,539 absentee ballots requested and 75,287 absentee ballots returned, Democratic ballots far outnumber Republican ballots.
    • Gardner said 74,388 absentee ballots were requested for the Democratic primary and of those, exactly 56,000 ballots were returned as of Monday morning.
    • He said that 26,151 absentee ballots were requested for the Republican primary, and 19,287 were returned.
    • Democrats have been more aggressive about encouraging absentee voting, while a large number of Republicans are expected to vote in person at the polling places.
    • official number of registered voters in the state show 393,696 undeclared; 318,994 Democrats and 299,312 Republicans – adding up to the total of 1,012,002 registered voters in the state.

Let’s see how this turns out.

In the mean time, what should be of interest is same day registrations. I did an RSA 91-A request of the Same Day Registrations in my hamlet for the Presidential Primary and Town SB2 Town meeting voting. I’ll do the same for today’s voting as well.

Then, I’ll start sending out letters to those addresses. I would suggest some of you do the same, given the lax view that our Attorney General’s office (re: Election Division) has on voter fraud. How long has the cover up has been going on? And if I get “no address” or “no recipient at this address”, I’ll be contacting AG McDonald’s office and see if his “We need to be better” pronouncement is for real or uttered for just mollifying / CYA reasons.

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